Tell the Story Scripture Plaque Review - Imperfect Homemaker

Tell the Story Scripture Plaque Review

By Lauren Lockhart


A few weeks ago I was approached by MaryEllen here at Imperfect Homemaker  to do a review on some Scripture plaques made by Joy Lyon over at Tell the Story on Etsy! I love to do reviews, but find it hard to actually get them done! I figured if someone held my feet to the fire, I would get one done, so I agreed to do it!

I headed over to Joy's Etsy shop to check them out and I was very pleased with the selection that Joy had! It was SO hard to choose which one I wanted to do a review on because, quite honestly, I wanted them all! I love to put up Scripture and Scripture based sayings in my home because it keeps my thoughts focused on Heavenly things while going about my seemingly mundane earthly responsibilities.

The Psalmist said in Psalm 26:3 “For thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy Truth.” This is EXACTLY what I want for my home! For the goodness of the Lord to be before us from morning to evening. Joy Lyon's signs can help me and you accomplish just that!

I received the plaque very quickly in the mail and I was SO pleased! It was even more beautiful than the picture 🙂

Isn't this sign just gorgeous???!!!

I chose the  Phil. 4:8  sign because not only is this one of my favorite scripture verses, but my Mom made up a little song to teach it to us when we were little and that permanently cemented it in my heart and mind! This verse has kept me from thinking or saying many a wrong thing and I hope that having it up in my house will do the same for my children!

This beautiful  sign came done on high quality lightweight board, professionally painted, distressed, and lettered. I love the variations on the lettering! Each style of print that Joy selected properly conveyed the meaning of each word in the verse….LOVE IT!

I will have this beautiful sign hanging on the wall above our school cabinet in my kitchen so that this verse is DAILY before our eyes, reminding us of the good things we should keep our minds focused on!

So take a little jaunt over to Joy's Etsy Shop and browse around! I KNOW you either will  find the perfect sign or Joy will help you create your perfect sign! She does that, you know? Isn't that wonderful? If she doesn't have exactly what you are looking for, you can contact her and share your favorite verse or Scripture saying and she will create a sign JUST FOR YOU!

As for me, I will definitely be buying from Joy again! Her work is customizable, high quality, and would make the perfect gift for any and all of your families and friends! I can PROMISE you that you will NOT be disappointed! I can't wait to get more of Joy Lyon's work up on my walls and upon my heart!!

” Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart…Proverbs 3:3″

From now through May 13, you can enter below to win your own plaque from Joy's shop!
She'll be giving away a great reminder to us all that we need to be grateful each day!  The inconveniences of messy kids might be just the thing another woman wishes she could have with all her heart.  The food we don't care for might be just what that starving family in another country needs.  Let's be thankful!
Be Thankful!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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