Thankful for Little Things - Imperfect Homemaker

Thankful for Little Things

I'm so blessed. After spending many of my days in bed or barely keeping up with what needs to be done around the house, God has allowed me to have several good days in a row. I've enjoyed being able to do housework, cook dinner, and play outside with my kids! The mundane things of life have become special blessings!

On days when I've complained to my husband about not being able to do this or that for the kids, he has simply said, “At least they still have a mom.”

Although I'm hoping that the protocols my nutritionist has prescribed are working and that I'll continue to improve, I realize that my health is really a gift from God.

As I was reading through my Bible one day, the Lord showed me this verse:

II Chronicles 16:12 And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the LORD, but to the physicians. (Italics mine)

Did you get that?  He forgot where his health came from, and went seeking healing his own way instead of going to the Lord.

I have tried to remember each day to acknowledge God's working in my life, and remember that my health is His decision; not mine.

I may be better than ever tomorrow, but I could be back in bed.  I don't know what tomorrow holds, so instead I'll just enjoy today!

Thankful for Little Things

Thankful for Little Things

Thankful for Little Things

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