Transitioning from Private School to Homeschool: Our Story - Imperfect Homemaker

Transitioning from Private School to Homeschool: Our Story

Transitioning from private school to homeschool

Should I or should I not?  Here are two reasons why we did:

  1. It was necessary – we moved to another state where there was not a school that we cared for them to attend and our finances did not allow for it at the time either.
  2. It was our preference  – At this time we had already decided to homeschool no matter where we lived, because there were so many things with which we were unsatisfied in the private school.
I have moved all of my homeschooling posts to christianhomeschoolfamily.com. You can go here to read this post at the new site.Transitioning from Private School to Home School: One Family's Experience
Guest post by Ellen at Joyful Abundant Life
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