Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle Winner! - Imperfect Homemaker

Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle Winner!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Congrats to Jessica L. on winning the Ultimate Homemaking Ebook Bundle!  You should see an email from me in your inbox.


Didn't win?  Here's what you can do…

1.  You still have till midnight tonight to order your own.  If money's tight, perhaps you could go in with a friend and share the books between yourselves.

2. If 97 ebooks is too overwhelming to you, you can order any of the individual ebooks that catch your eye.

3. Make friends with Jessica and see if she'll let you borrow hers. 🙂


I don't usually spend $29.97 just because something is a good deal, but this is one splurge I did make, and it has been so worth it.

  • I wanted to get some sourdough starter, and I got it as one of the free bonuses.
  • I wanted some natural toothpaste, and I needed to order more sea salt, and I also got those as free bonuses.
  • I wanted a natural wellness formula for when my kids get coughs and colds, and I got one…you guessed it…as a free bonus.
  • I've been wanting to grow my own cooking herbs, and I got a free kit…yes…as a free bonus.
  • I have already put several of the books on my Kindle, and everything I have read so far has been just excellent!  There are only a handful of books in which I wasn't interested (cloth diapering?   not my thing).  But almost every single one that I have looked through so far seems like it has been written just for me.  (Rough time staying organized and focused on the housework?  My hand is raised.  Need fashion advice that is practical for a woman with an ever-changing body shape, while not being focused on being materialistic with our clothes?  Awesome.  I never knew such a book existed, but it does.  I could go on, but I'll spare you.)


Believe me, I would never encourage anyone to spend money unless I truly believed it was worth it.  But if it's just absolutely not in your budget, you could try one of the other suggestions I made above, or wait patiently until next year when (hopefully) the organizers of this sale will put another one together!


Go here to check out the list of books and freebies one last time!


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