What I Didn't Know as a First Time Mom - Imperfect Homemaker

What I Didn’t Know as a First Time Mom

This post brought to you by HUGGIES. All opinions are 100% mine.

When this new little one arrives, she'll round out the number of our children to an even four.

I remember how different things were when I had my first.  I had read all the books and listened to all the advice, and I thought I had this thing all figured out.  Now I look back at my first-time mom self and laugh.  There were so many things I didn't know.

  • I didn't know that I'd feel like I had been run over by a truck for the first six weeks.
  • I didn't know how badly my back would hurt when I tried to bend over the bed to change diapers.  (We didn't own a changing table.  The know-it-all baby books said it wasn't really necessary.)  It took me a while to figure out that getting down on the floor was actually easier.
  • I also didn't know that changing said diapers on bed would immediately trigger an irresistable urge in that sweet little baby boy to wash my sheets for me.
  • I didn't know that in my sleep-deprived state I would be too tired to care about why the sheets were wet and that I'd sleep on them anyway…with a towel on top of course.
  • I didn't know that it would be okay to go to a friend's house when I was invited…even if it was past the baby's bedtime or naptime.  I just didn't know that newborns can adapt wherever you take them.  I didn't know how badly I would regret turning down the invitation to relax with friends.
  • I didn't realize how quickly the newborn phase would pass, how quickly he would grow.


All new moms will experience times when they realize, “I didn't know this is what it would be like!”  That's why The Mommy Center is helping new moms to navigate those first few months by equipping moms with everything from baby essentials to advice from moms who have been there before. They'll show you the ropes and tell you whether their favorite brand was HUGGIES® Little Snugglers Diapers, HUGGIES® Pure & Natural Diapers, or HUGGIES NATURAL CARE® Wipes.  They'll help you find great values on the products that will be most helpful to you.


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No matter how tiring or uncomfortable all of those “new mommy moments” have been, I can look back and say emphatically, “They were all worth it!!!”


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