What's This Blog All About, Anyway? - Imperfect Homemaker

What’s This Blog All About, Anyway?

I am a woman.  I am a homemaker.

I like girly things and homey things and crafts and recipes and things for my kids.

I like to blog about those things because I know many of you like those things too.

But those things do not completely define me.  In fact, my life would be meaningless without one vital element.


Jesus Christ.


He is everything to me, and without him everything else I do would be worthless.


As Peter and John said in the book of Acts, I “cannot but speak the things which [I] have seen and heard”. I've seen his provision for and protection of my family. I've experienced his comfort and peace in the midst of trials.  I've been given wisdom when I didn't know the right answers.  And most of all I've been given the privilege to have fellowship with the creator of the universe and have the assurance of spending eternity in heaven with him.

How can I keep all that to myself when it is freely offered to all?!


Jesus is everything to me!

So while the homemaking tips, recipes, and crafts will continue, the overarching reason for it all is to point people to Jesus Christ.  If you don't know him, you can!  The creator of the universe wants to have a personal relationship with you!  Read How to Get to Heaven here.  If you already know the Lord Jesus as your Savior, it is my desire to point you to him through everything that I say.  My goal is to encourage you to be the best homemaker you can – not so that you can feel awesome – but so that you can bring glory to the only One who matters.



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