When I Grow Up... - Imperfect Homemaker

When I Grow Up…

I just love mornings.  I'm usually propped up in my bed reading my Bible when my 5 year old gets up and comes in to snuggle with me.  He's so active during the day that I rarely get a chance to sit and spend time with him.

The conversations we have in the mornings are absolutely priceless.

This morning I asked him what he wants to be when he grows up.  I had no idea what he would say because it's always changing from a fireman to a policeman to Daniel Boone or an Indian.

But he said, “I want to be a Pastor.”

“Really?!”  I thought about commending him for the wonderful choice he had made.  I would be honored to have a son grow up and become a Pastor.

But I just couldn't.  Instead I had to say,  “Do you know what I want you to be when you grow up?  I want you to be whatever God wants you to be.”

He simply replied, “That's awesome.”

And it is.  Whether he ends up being a garbage collector, a doctor, a woodworker like his dad, or a pastor, it's just awesome to be doing exactly what God wants.

Trust and obey,

For there's no other way

to be happy in Jesus,

But to trust and obey.

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