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Time, Money, Health (Part 6)

If you missed the other posts in this series, you can read part 1 here, part 2 here, part 3 here, part 4 here, and part 5 here.

You may have been wondering if I was ever going to finish this series!  There just always seemed to be something else that I needed to post!

I ended part 5 by telling you that things were going extremely well.  We were eating healthier meals.  Our grocery budget was lower than it had been in a long time, and I was ready to settle into this well-balanced plan for the long haul.

However, around that time I realized that the extreme fatigue I was experiencing was not going away.  In fact, I began getting worse.  I would have to sleep 10 – 12 hours at night just to function the next day.  I could do the basics of feeding and taking care of the kids, but by their naptime I was shot.

I decided that since the doctors weren't really doing much to help me, I was going to have to try to take things into my own hands.

My healthy eating must not be enough, I decided.

I determined that store-bought meat, produce, and dairy products must not be giving me the nutrition I needed.

time, money, health

I began purchasing all of these products from local farmers.  Our grocery budget doubled, but my husband and I decided that in the balance between time, money, and health, our health had to hold more weight.  (Plus, even with a doubled grocery budget, we were still only spending a maximum of $400 a month.  That's still not bad for a family of 5 eating organic, local food!)

I bought organic whole wheat flour and oats in bulk.  I began making our own bread and making oatmeal or eggs for breakfast.

I began making the drive 30 minutes away to pick up raw milk from a local farmer.

It was summer, so I was purchasing produce in bulk and canning, drying, and freezing things so that we could have healthy food available through the winter.

I drove hither and yon to get clean meat from whoever happened to have it available that week.

I read and read and read articles about how bad this ingredient is for you, and how good this food is for you.  I turned up my nose at certain items that I used to toss into my grocery cart without a thought.

I did all of this while I was still suffering from the extreme fatigue.

Soon, I was absolutely overwhelmed.  And tired.  Just plain ol' tired.  I couldn't keep up with the pace of living like this.  I was torn.  I wanted to keep toxins out of my body and put only the good things in, but it was so much work, and I just didn't have the energy!

It wasn't long before my husband's diet was worse than it had ever been.  The kids and I would scrounge up some cheese, yogurt, nuts, and whatever few healthy foods we had that didn't require any work.  I stopped cooking substantial dinners because I didn't have the energy to prepare it, but I didn't want to go back to the store-bought foods either.  My poor husband was hungry all the time.  He'd buy chemical-laden sausage biscuits at work for breakfast and get a candy bar out of the vending machine for lunch.  My healthy living plan was backfiring big time.

We had some talks, and I had to agree with my husband that I definitely had not achieved that delicate balance of time, money, and health.

We made some decisions and came up with a plan that would work for our family's particular situation.

Next week will be the final post in this series, and I will share with you what that plan is.

You may want to subscribe to email updates or follow along on Facebook so you don't miss it.


(In the meantime, I will tell you that all of that nutrition I was trying to get into myself was not doing making me feel any better because I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis.  All the thyroid-boosting things I was eating were being blocked by the disease.  I'm going to a specialist in Atlanta this week to start a program to try and help me overcome it.)

Tell me your thoughts!  Where is your family on your healthy living journey?  Have you ever tried to be so healthy that it backfired on you?



Results of My Anti-Procrastination Year

Many of you have been following this blog long enough to know that 2012 was my year of Anti-Procastination.

It originally started out just to be something that would help me get little annoying things done around that house that always seemed to get put off.

And it did.

But it turned into so much more than that.

I learned  a lot about myself.

I realized just how short this life is, and that the time to be busy about the Lord's work is now.  I don't want to hang my head in shame when I meet the Lord and have to apologize for all the time I wasted.

One very huge life-goal that my husband and I saw come to fruition was the production of our first CD.

We realized that we could keep saying forever, “We really need to do that,” but that it would never actually happen unless we…you know…did it.

We knew it would be an expensive and time-consuming project, but it was a good thing we didn't know just how expensive and time-consuming it would be, or we might have continued to make excuses for putting it off.

Right away, I took the first step and booked an appointment with the recording studio so that there would be no backing out or changing our minds.

Then the real work began.  I'll spare you all the details, but I will say this – if you want to do anything for God's glory, don't try to keep it a secret like we did.  Both my husband's parents and mine have always bugged us to record a CD, and we thought it would be special if we could keep it a secret and give it to them as a Christmas gift.  The problem was that as soon as we embarked on this project, the devil did everything he could to stop us.  From scratchy voices the week of recording, to a broken down van when it was time for us to make the 1 hour trip to the studio, to lots of red tape with copyright permissions, there were a lot of obstacles to overcome.  I wished people knew about our project so they cold help us pray about it!

Anyway, I'm so thankful it's finally done now!

Conservative Christian Music

We had only one goal in mind when we recorded this CD – to use our talents to bring glory to God.  100% of the proceeds will go directly toward expenses for our next recording.

We'd love for you to  purchase our CD for yourself, give it away as a gift, and help us spread the word about another resource for Christ-honoring music.

We pray it will be a blessing to you!



15 Minute Tasks for the Week

15 Minutes a Day to a Clean and Organized Home


If you’re just joining us this week, this program is set up so that you can jump in right where you are!  You may want to subscribe to email updates or follow along on Facebook so you can keep up with each week’s new tasks.


This week we'll be working in the bathroom.  If you only have one bathroom like me, this week will be a little easier for you.  If you have two bathrooms, I've tried to make each day's task easy enough where it shouldn't take much more than the usual 15 minutes if you do both bathrooms.



Check the corners for cobwebs and knock them down.  Dust and disinfect shelves and counters.  Check out my non-toxic disinfectant recipe if you need one.



Take down the shower curtain and put it in the wash.  You may want to wash the liner with bleach to get rid of mildew.  Put rugs and any other linens in the wash as well.  Climb inside the tub and spray down all the walls and shelves with cleaner.  Use a scrub brush to scrub them, rinse well, and use a squeegee to knock off the water.  Don't worry about the tub itself today; just the walls.  Put the linens back up when they're dry.




Fill up the tub with bleach water and let it soak for a couple hours.  Come back with a scrub brush and let all the water out.  Scrub the tub, rinse well, and use a squeegee to get as much water off of the bottom of the tub as you can.  (If you use a squeegee after every bath or shower, your tub will not get slimy nearly as often.  You're constantly putting soap into the tub, so it should stay clean.  It just needs to be rinsed well and stay dry.)



Clean the mirror, sink, and toilet thoroughly.  Empty the trash.




Scrub the door frame, door handle, light switches, cabinet knobs, etc with disinfectant.  Gather bathroom cleaning supplies to keep somewhere in your bathroom – rags, disinfectant, toilet bowl cleaner, etc.  From now on, you should keep them at arm's reach, and wipe down the sink and toilet every day.  Your bathroom will stay spic and span all the time, and only need a deep cleaning every so often.  This is what Flylady calls a swish and swipe.



Sweep the floor and scrub it with disinfectant.


Be thinking of bathroom organizing ideas.  (Check out my Organizing board on Pinterest!)  That's what we'll be doing next week!


Did I leave out anything important?  Please tell me how your house is coming along!  I hope this is helping you get your house in shape!





Make Homemade Non-Toxic Disinfectant in 60 Seconds

Homemade Non-Toxic Disinfectant - This is really easy and do-able!


I had several people ask about my Non-toxic disinfectant recipe, so here it is:

16 oz. water
3 tbsp. liquid castile soap
30 drops tea tree oil
Mix together in a spray bottle.

Isn't that easy?  You can throw it together in about 60 seconds and use it for pretty much anything!

DIY Non-toxic disinfectant - so easy and cheap to make!


Below are some other ways you can make a non-toxic disinfectant if you don’t have these ingredients on hand.

Other non-toxic products with disinfecting properties:

  • Vinegar water (50/50 ratio) (do not use on marble surfaces)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (3 percent; if you want to spray it, you must use a dark spray bottle or screw the nozzle from another spray bottle directly onto the original peroxide bottle.)
  • Thieves Oil
  • Grapefruit seed extract


Update March 2020: These days my favorite way to clean is to use an e-cloth (see my review here) to clean up any actual messes, then I spray the surface with plain peroxide (so cheap!) Let it sit for 6-8 minutes, and it kills viruses! I get the ecloths as well as these lovely brown spray bottles for spraying the peroxide from Grove.co (sign up for a Grove.com account through this link and you'll get a free gift.






The Importance of Being Your Spouse’s Prayer Warrior (and a free printable prayer calendar)

The Importance of Being a Prayer Warrior for Your Spouse, plus a free prinable prayer calendar.  from @mbream


It was just over one year ago that the Lord began working in my heart about praying earnestly for my husband.  Our life had begun to seemingly crumble around us as we learned of a major unexpected ministry change that would be taking place. Hard times were ahead- we could just feel it. As my husband came home each day and shared his burdens with me, the Lord seemed to impress on my heart that I could do more to support my husband. I could do the one thing that mattered the most- one that would have a lasting impact. I could pray.

You may be thinking, “Didn't you pray for your husband before last year?!”  Yes, I did. But not earnestly. And not specifically. And not consistently.

I needed to make a big change.

One day I came across a prayer calendar online. I don't even remember what site I found it on, but I knew immediately that I was looking at the perfect prompting to my prayers for my husband.  The calendar was not month-specific, so I could use it over each month. Every day's box had a different topic of prayer and a few verse references to go along with each topic. I printed it off onto red paper and presented it to my husband as a gift. He was very appreciative and I could tell that it meant a lot to him that I was taking this step and then making it known to him. After he looked it over, I carried it to the kitchen and taped it above my sink.

It's one of the best things I've ever done.

Every day for the past year (plus) I have prayed for my husband as I washed the dishes. (Yes, I've missed a few when we were traveling, but my point is that it became a habit.)  I even started knowing what the prayer prompt topic was before I got to the sink!

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months, I began to reap the rewards of my prayer time.

My husband would come home and recount the events of the day, telling me his joys and struggles, and of his own answers to prayer.

I was often amazed to find that the very things He encountered that day were specific to the topic I had prayed about! I shared those things with him, many times saying “I prayed about that for you today!”  These instances strengthened our faith together, and motivated me to pray even more consistently and more often as the Lord brought things to mind. Furthermore, as time went by, I found that God was changing me through my prayers for my husband. As I prayed about areas of character and Godliness for him, I realized that my own life needed God's stirring in some of the same areas.  Only God can give double blessings like that through prayer!

This year, I have designed my own prayer calendar. I've changed up the topics from last year and have added new Scripture references. It's time to begin a new cycle of prayer, and I'm looking forward to seeing how God is going to use it in my husband's life to encourage him.

Free Prayer Calendar

I'd like to make this calendar available to you and encourage you to pray earnestly and specifically for your spouse this year! Give the  gift of the blessings of prayer. My calendar is available as a free printable on my website. At the moment, it is an excel document that I hope will open for you! Click here to download your daily prayer calendar.

Expect God to do great things as you intercede for your beloved!

DIY: Scripture Conversation Hearts!

Those of you that have read my blog in past years know that I am no fan of Valentines day. I know, ba humbug, right? It is just not my favorite holiday! But while I mutter things under my breath like “February is the Monday of months,” this time of year usually finds me doing Valentines Day-related projects, anyway. {go figure!}

I normally try to do a little project to include in the decor for our church’s Valentines banquet. (You can see past projects here) This year is no exception…I created some of my very own conversation hearts to fit the theme of the evening!

diy scripture conversation hearts
This was a super easy project, but I am excited about the color it will bring to the banquet tables, plus the truths of the scripture messages as a reminder of the Love of God!

I just picked up a package of scalloped foam hearts from our local dollar store.

foam hearts
I got the scalloped ones because they had the brightest colors, and I was looking to make these similar to the real thing.

scalloped edges
Then I got to work punching out the middles of the scallops. Random side note: if they went to the trouble to punch those, why couldn’t they have just poked them out at the same time???

poked out pieces
I found lots of verses that talked about the love of God for us, our love for God, and a few about our love for each other. I also tried to use verses that could be shortened easily, without losing the message of God’s love that I was trying to get across.

conversation hearts 1
Here are the verses I used:

Deuteronomy 6:5 …thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart…
Deuteronomy 11:1 Therefore thou shalt love the LORD thy God…
Joshua 22:5 ..take diligent heed… to love the Lord your God…
Psalm 18:1 I will love thee, O LORD, my strength.
Psalm 31:23 O love the Lord, all ye his saints….
Psalm 146:8 …the Lord loveth the righteous.
Jeremiah 31:3 …I have loved thee with an everlasting love…
Matthew 22:39 …love thy neighbor as thyself.
Mark 12:33 And to love him with all the heart…
John 3:16 God so loved the world…
John 15:9 …continue ye in my love.
Romans 5:5 …the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts…
I Corinthians 13:4 Charity…is kind…
I Corinthians 13:8 Charity never faileth…
II Corinthians 13:14 …the love of God…be with you all…
I Peter 1:22 …see that ye love one another…
I John 3:16 Hereby perceive we the love of God…
I John 4:7 Beloved, let us love one another…
I John 4:11 …God so loved us…
I John 4:16 …God is love…
I John 4:19 We love Him, because He first loved us.
Jude 21 Keep yourselves in the love of God…

conversation hearts 2

It was a bit time consuming, but not nearly as bad as it could have been if I had chosen to cut out paper hearts! (which is normally what I end up doing to myself, haha!) I just used a Sharpie to write the words, and it worked great. The foam was very easy to write on, and doesn't bleed through, so these could be used again on the other side!

conversation hearts 3

I don't have the prettiest handwriting, but I just did my best and tried to make each one look nice. I also used a tone-on-tone approach so the writing would be readable, but subtle enough to let the color of the heart stand out.

It was a fun project, that I think will make a big impact at our banquet! Anyone else doing any Valentines Day crafting lately?