15 Minute Tasks for the Week - Imperfect Homemaker

15 Minute Tasks for the Week

Organize and Clean


If you're just joining us this week, this program is set up so that you can jump in right where you are!


Last week we worked on disinfecting the remaining bedrooms.  I hope you didn't find any bed bugs!  This infographic from Moxie Pest Control tells you exactly how to look for them and how you can get rid of them.

This week we’re going to focus on organizing any of the bedrooms that you didn't work on a couple weeks ago.  I’ll be focusing specifically on the master bedroom, but do whatever works for you.

Be thinking ahead how to best organize your bedrooms so that you can be gathering the necessary supplies.  Andrea posted a very inexpensive way to make matching organizational bins, and Nicole shared some great tips for organizing small spaces.


Head into the room with a trash bag and three boxes.  Set the timer for 15 minutes and begin a purge of the room.  Work your way around the room clockwise and go through every closet, drawer, nook, and cranny.  Throw away any trash, add anything you do not need to one box to be donated or sold.  Add anything that belongs in another room to the other box to be put away.  In the third box, place items on which you are undecided.  You may think you can’t bear to part with something, but by the end of the week you may realize it’s time to let it go.  (Don’t focus too much on cleaning out the clothes unless you readily see something you know you need to get rid of.  We’ll be spending a couple days dedicated to just clothing later on.)



Continue with another 15 minutes of purging.  If you finished one bedroom on Monday, work in another bedroom.


Set the timer for 15 minutes and work on organizing one closet shelf or drawer.  Place like items together in bins or baskets.  Over-the-door shoe holders work well for holding small items such as small toys, scarves and accessories, or hey, even…shoes!  If you’re working in a child’s room, organize the room in such a way that is easy for children to keep organized themselves.  Label dresser drawers or toy bins (use pictures if they can’t read) so that children can put their items away in the correct places all by themselves.   If you're an adult, don't be embarrassed to label bins for yourself too.  We all forget sometimes what we decided belongs where.


Work for another 15 minutes on organizing another area of the room.


You guessed it!  Another 15 minute organizing session in the bedroom!


Take 15 minutes to wrap up loose ends in the bedroom.  If you have boxes of things that you haven’t decided what to do with, now is the time to make a decision.  Decide where the items belong and put them away, or put them in your donate box.


How did you do last week?  Did you get those bedrooms disinfected?  It makes you feel wonderful when you walk into the room, doesn’t it?

If you’re just joining us, you’ll probably want to subscribe to email updates or follow along on Facebook so you can keep up with each week’s new tasks.


Disclosure: This is a sponsored post.
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