Blog - Page 33 of 128 - Imperfect Homemaker

Natural Makeup That Works For Me

I haven't worn makeup for almost 2 years.

When I was in high school or college I would have died to even go out of the house without makeup.  Once I got married I relaxed a little bit, but I still would NEVER go to church without makeup.

Then when I began having all sorts of health issues (you can read a little bit about my journey in my book), I realized that  I was having allergy type symptoms (sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, etc.), but only on Sundays.

I finally realized that the culprit was my makeup.

I stuck it out for a while, but the symptoms just kept getting worse.  I was miserable any time I wore makeup.

I had already been eliminated as many toxins from my life as I could, and I knew this was one more step that I needed to take.

Since I didn't know of any natural makeup that would suit my needs, I was going everywhere with a completely bare face.

I never wore much makeup to begin with, but going with a completely bare face was making me feel so frumpy.

I really like the type of foundation that's like a cross between liquid and powder – like a cream foundation – but the only natural brands of makeup I could find only carried powder based foundations.

Finally I discovered Moody Sisters Skincare and they had exactly what I was looking for!

I wrote to them and asked if I could try out some of their makeup and blog about it, and they readily agreed.

Moody Sisters

They sent me some cream foundation, mascara, and lip gloss.

You can see the before and after results – nothing dramatic, but that is exactly how I like my makeup.  Just enough to smooth out my face and give me some color.

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(Looks like I had a little photo bomber!)


What I didn't like:

– The mascara will definitely run if you cry!  There is really no way around that with a natural makeup, but it has a great consistency and offers really nice and even, non-clumpy coverage

– I had hoped to spread the foundation with a sponge, but since there are no preservatives in the makeup (that's a good thing!) the sponge molded overnight.  I have found, though, that it's not bad at all to spread it with my fingers.  It doesn't make my skin nasty and sticky and stain everything I touch afterward like conventional makeup would.

– The color of the lip gloss doesn't last terribly long, so I carry it in my purse to re-apply.


What I loved:

– The color of foundation was perfect, and the girls were so helpful at helping me pick a color that was just right.  It goes on very smoothly and doesn't make my skin feel oily at all.

– The ingredients are all things I could eat if I wanted – no more sneezing and itching from toxic chemicals!

– Like I mentioned above, the consistency of the mascara is very nice. I would think that would be hard to do with natural ingredients, but they've done it!

– The lip gloss is also a nice consistency.


If you're looking for some makeup that doesn't contain toxic chemicals but that will still do a great job of offering coverage and color, you should check out Moody Sisters Skincare!  They have lots of other products too that I haven't tried yet.


Natural makeup that works for me

10 Practical Ways to Stand Up Against Abortion

In light of everything that has come out recently regarding Planned Parenthood, I wanted to share some practical ways to stand up against abortion.  We can get upset about the murder of innocent babies, or we can actually do something!

I'm not pretending I'm the expert, because I'm not.  I'm sure many of you have even more and better ideas.  Please feel free to share those with me!  But I want to at least get our wheels turning about how we can stand up against abortion and fight for the lives of the 2,000 babies who will be aborted heartlessly murdered today.

10 Practical Ways to Stand Up Against Abortion | @mbream


1. Support a pregnancy resource center

Pregnancy resource centers focus on providing expectant mothers with hope and help, no matter their situation.  If an expectant mother finds herself in need, she can turn to a pregnancy resource center for counseling, baby supplies, adoption referrals, and support.

Your donations help to fund administrative costs as well as  provide ultrasounds and baby supplies.

If you do not know of a center to which you can donate, I can personally recommend this one.  I know the owner personally and can assure you that the women who visit are receiving Biblical help from compassionate counselors who truly care.  Many who have considered abortion have chosen LIFE for their baby after visiting this center!
2. Volunteer at a pregnancy resource center

You can also personally volunteer to help at a pregnancy center.  You can counsel women (check to see if free training is provided at your local center), help organize baby supplies, do paperwork, or just clean the office and take out the trash!  You don't need any special skills to be involved.
3. Personally aid needy mothers

Do you know an expectant mother who is struggling financially?  Instead of leaving her in despair, wondering how she will provide for her child, show her that Jesus cares about her and her child by giving her groceries or diapers.  Be involved in her life.  Don't just go your way and say “I hope things work out for you.”  Put some action behind your words!  (James 2:15-16)
4. Contact your representatives

Your congressmen represent you!  They need to know how you feel about issues.  They need to know that they will not have your vote if they do not represent the will of the people – then they need to know what the will of the people is!
5. Speak out

Do not be silent about what is going on behind the closed doors of Planned Parenthood.  Babies are being murdered in cold blood.  No matter what pretty terms they try to give it, it is baby murder plain and simple.  Many of the women who walk in the doors of Planned Parenthood are there simply because they need help.  They are looking for hope and a way out of a tight situation.  And they are given just that.  Their hope comes in the form of prettified terminology like “it's just a blob of tissue” as well as outright lies like “It will not hurt you emotionally.”

We must speak loudly enough to expose the lies so that every woman in America knows exactly what is really happening when she is told that abortion is the best option for her situation.  She needs to know that the choice to terminate her pregnancy is a choice to brutally and painfully murder a baby – not simply to remove some unwanted “tissue”.


6. Quit supporting third parties who donate to Planned Parenthood.

Not only do we not want our tax dollars going to fund the murder of babies; we don't want any of our dollars funding the murder of babies.

When you shop at certain stores, pump gas at certain gas stations, and even pay your cell phone bill, you are helping to put money into the pockets of Planned Parenthood.  Don't stand up and say you hate the fact that babies are being murdered every day until you put your money where your mouth is.  It's time to find some different places to shop.  Here's the full list of companies who donate to PP.


7. Pray

When it comes down to it, we can do everything in our human power to stop the evil that is taking place in our country, but the results are ultimately up to God.

Are we beseeching him on behalf of helpless unborn babies?  Are we humbling ourselves and asking him daily to reveal our own sin so that he may heal our land?  (II Chronicles 7:14)
8. Share the Gospel

No matter how much money you donate to pro-life organizations, no matter how many phone calls you make to your senators, no matter how loudly you speak out against abortion, the only real cure for the evil in our land is the Gospel.

When hearts are changed through the power of God's Word, culture is changed by those people who want to follow God's design.

The woman who lives an immoral lifestyle and then disposes of the “unwanted results” needs the Gospel.  The woman who was raped needs the Gospel.  The family living in poverty with the burden of an unexpected pregnancy needs the Gospel.  The employees at Planned Parenthood need the Gospel.  Every member of Congress and the President of the United States need the Gospel.

And the Gospel goes out to one person at a time.  It goes out to your neighbor.  It goes out to the cashier at the grocery store.  It goes out to the waitress at Waffle House.  But it only goes out if you give it out. (Romans 10:14)


9. Quit taking birth control pills

Uh oh.  Did I just say that out loud?

It is not my desire to meddle in anyone's personal business, but if you believe life begins at conception, and if you are against ending that life, you need to read this.  If you didn't know, I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you.  I really, really am.

Because he said it much better than I could, I'm going to quote from an article by Randy Alcorn.  I have, however, done my own research on this and confirmed it all to be true.  I've been quiet about it for too long, and it's time for me to be brave enough to open my mouth about this.

“In summary, according to multiple references throughout The Physician’s Desk Reference, which articulate the research findings of all the birth control pill manufacturers, there are not one but three mechanisms of birth control pills:

1.      inhibiting ovulation (the primary mechanism),

2.      thickening the cervical mucus, thereby making it more difficult for sperm to travel to the egg, and

3.      thinning and shriveling the lining of the uterus to the point that it is unable or less able to facilitate the implantation of the newly fertilized egg.

The first two mechanisms are contraceptive. The third is abortive.”  (Emphasis mine.)

You can read Randy Alcorn's article in full here.

To my knowledge there is not a single brand of birth control pill that does not operate in this manner – first to prevent pregnancy, but second to prevent implantation of a fertilized egg.

Folks, a fertilized egg is a human life that God created.  By preventing it from being implanted into the wall of the mother's uterus, you are cutting off its life source, therefore killing it.

There is no way to sugar coat the reality of what is happening, even though your doctor and even most of the package inserts do not want to explain it this way.

But now you know.  So what will you do about it?


10. Quit believing the lie that children are inconvenient

I thought this article on how the abortion culture affects motherhood was thought-provoking.  Many moms have bought the lie that children are inconvenient and a burden.  God calls children a blessing and a reward!

Let's stay in God's Word so that we can view children the way that God sees them instead of viewing everything they do through the eyes of our selfish flesh!


So there you have it.  10 Practical Ways to Stand Up Against Abortion.  Which one are you going to do first?


15 Apple Crafts for Preschoolers

It's getting to be fall time, so I thought it would be fun to round up some apple crafts for preschoolers!


apple crafts for preschoolers | from @mbream

  1. This Yarn Apple Craft looks super-simple!  Yarn, glue, and glitter are the only supplies you need!
  2. This Apple Craft shows kids what the inside of an apple looks like.  It's so cute!
  3. These Apple Suncatchers will probably require a decent amount of help, but the end result looks fabulous!
  4. Who can resist some Apple Stamping?
  5. This Yarn Paper Plate Apple Craft is another super simple craft with adorable results!
  6. Here's another paper plate apple craft – this one incorporates a handprint.
  7. The science behind these Apple Volcanoes might be a little advanced for a preschooler, but the fun will not!
  8. Preschoolers can practice their find motor skills as they String a Wormy Apple!
  9. Wow!  I am in love with the finished product of this Apple Tree craft!
  10. If you can come up with some baked cotton balls, your preschoolers will have a blast with this Apple Picking activity!
  11. This Apple Wreath is such a creative way to use the prints from apple stamping.
  12. Preschoolers will need lots of supervision with this Recycled Apple Craft, but they'll be mesmerized by the finished product!
  13. No child is going to turn down the opportunity to use this Apple Pie Play Dough!
  14. I love this Apple Yarn Garland!
  15. These Stuffed Apples are adaptable to many different skill levels.


Need some independent activities to keep your preschooler occupied? Check out my eBook!

101 Independent Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers!

What I’m Learning About Being a Wife from a Vine

Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of thine house: thy children like olive plants round about thy table. Psalm 128:3


Our pastor mentioned that verse in a message last year, which prompted me to study the idea of children being like olive plants.  Boy, did I learn a LOT!  I came up with 12 Lessons About Child Training from an Olive Tree and it has been one of my most popular posts. I love going back and reviewing these things every so often.


Fast forward to about a week ago, and I read over that verse again in my daily devotions.

I thought, “Hmm…since there were so many lessons to be learned from the idea of children being like olive trees, I wonder if there are lessons to be learned about the wife being like a fruitful vine?”

I couldn't resist digging into that further, and here's what I found:

what im learning about being a wife

First, I needed to know if there was a specific type of vine the verse was talking about.  I looked up the Hebrew word for vine in that verse and found out that it basically means…vine.

So then I looked up the Hebrew word for fruitful and it basically means…to bear fruit.


Okay, so that left me with basically any type of vine that bears fruit.  Take your pick – grapes, watermelon, cantaloupe…it doesn't really matter.

Then I began researching every other instance in the Bible where that same Hebrew word for vine was used, and that's where it got interesting.

I noticed right away that over and over, God was talking to Israel about the fact that when they turned away from God part of their judgment would be for their vines to be destroyed.

I also noticed that when God spoke of his blessing on Israel, he would mention how that their vines would be fruitful.  In fact, in the very verse of which I am talking, God is telling Israel that part of his blessing on them would be for their wives to be as fruitful vines and their children like olive plants.

The verse is speaking of prosperity and blessing upon the children of Israel when they followed the Lord and obeyed his commands.


Lesson #1 from the fruitful vine – Am I a blessing to my husband?  When he thinks of me, does it make him thankful for how God has prospered him by giving me to him?  Am I flourishing physically, spiritually, and emotionally so that I am a joy to be around? Or am I dried up and withered?  Yes, my husband has some God-given responsibilities to keep his “vine” well-watered so that it can easily flourish, but how am I responding?  Does my husband see caring for me as a duty or a delight?


The concept of “fruitful” also carries with it the idea of bearing children.  God has stated over and over that children are a blessing and a reward. In the verse we are studying, He clearly states that a fruitful wife and the little “olive plants” are part of the blessing he would pour out when his people obediently followed Him.


Lesson #2 from the fruitful vine – Children are a blessing; not something to be avoided!  When God states that children are a blessing and a reward, why are so many married couples doing all they can to prevent their blessings from coming?!  I am not an advocate of the so-called “quiverfull” movement, where many families hold to the idea that they are supposed to have as many babies as the wife's body will carry. If a couple feels that the wife is physically worn out, I don't think God intends for her to be a haggard, run-down woman, forcing her body to continue producing “blessing” after “blessing”.  God gave us the knowledge of how babies are made and I believe couples should use that knowledge responsibly, with the understanding and willingness for God to override our personal plans according to his will.
But at the same time, couples do not need to fear the idea of large families.  I'll say it again; children are a blessing; not something to be avoided!


Finally – and this goes right along with lesson #2 – in the Bible, vines had a lot to do with lovemaking!  Read Song of Solomon, and you'll find that they made love among the vines.  You'll also find multiple references to body parts being like the fruit of the vine.
Lesson #3 from the fruitful vine – A fruitful wife is a wife who satisfies her husband's physical desires.  Read Song of Solomon to get an idea of the demeanor we wives should display in the bedroom!  We need to be doing as much as we can to take care of our bodies and keep them beautiful for our husbands.  We need to delight him and allow him to delight us.

Are you a fruitful vine?  When your husband thinks of you does he say, “Wow, God sure has prospered me!”?


How being a wife is like being a vine | Biblical Marriage Advice from @mbream





Multi-Age Homeschool Curriculum Choices for Preschool, 2nd, and 3rd Grade

Multi-Age Homeschool Curriculum for Preschool, 2nd, and 3rd Grade

Today I'm sharing our curriculum choices.  Hopefully it will be helpful to some of you who have children the same age as mine!

I wanted to be able to combine the kids' schooling as much as I could.  I enjoy the “one room schoolhouse” style, but I do find it works better with certain curriculum than others.

I picked most of these in the spring, and we started using them in the summer so that I could make sure before the school year if it would work.

Here's what we chose:



Last year we used a video curriculum for all of our subjects, but the kids' favorite was by far their Bible class.  I enjoyed having their Bible class on video as well because it gave me an opportunity to straighten the house, put in a load of laundry, get the baby dressed, etc.  I didn't have to be around because I knew the kids were enjoying their class enough that they stayed tuned in and didn't get into any mischief!

This year we will be using BJU Bible Truths Online Learning.  I loved the fact that they offer their Bible class as a stand-alone option since that was all I wanted to use as far as video courses.  I know that their materials will be in line with what we believe Biblically, and the classes look like they'll be really interactive and enjoyable!

All kids will do Bible simultaneously.



For math, we are using Khan Academy for my 3rd grader and miscellaneous worksheets for my 1st/2nd grader.

We've already been using Khan Academy, and it's been working very well for us!  My son is motivated to do his math because he can see the points he is racking up every time he answers a question correctly.  It also helps him focus because he only sees one question at a time and he doesn't get overwhelmed with looking at a whole paper that he has to complete.  Most days he asks if he can keep going on math because he doesn't want to stop yet!  That is a MAJOR change from last year! (Oh, and did I mention Khan Academy is FREE?!)

We also have the app on our iPad so they can use it on there if someone else is using the computer.

I am having my daughter work through 2nd grade worksheets that she didn't finish last year (I bought her a set last year when her brother was in 2nd grade because she liked to listen in to his classes.  She couldn't quite keep up with all the paperwork, though, so we are going through and finishing those and reviewing all of that.)

I am also having both of them do XtraMath every day for drilling their math facts.  I am very happy with this program too.  It's saving me lots of time drilling them myself, and it's actually doing a better job!  The program is intuitive – it can tell which facts need the most work, and it will make those problems show up more often until the student starts answering them quickly enough on a consistent basis.  The kids enjoy this program too, and it's good motivation for them to try their best.

The 2 older children work on math simultaneously – each on separate devices – while I work with my preschooler.  (I do not use a formal curriculum for preschool.)



For language, I am working with both kids together.  We are using Primary Language Lessons.  I have it downloaded on my phone in Google Play, so it always opens up to the last page I was on.

I really wanted to cut down on the amount of paperwork the kids had to do this year because it was really discouraging them (and me too!)  I started digging around to find something that would combine language, spelling, and writing so that it was all being practiced simultaneously, cutting down on time and busywork.

When I found Primary Language Lessons, I knew it would be perfect.  We have been using that through the summer just to make sure it would work for us, and it is working beautifully.  (And you can't beat free!)

Basically I just open it up and teach the lesson (only takes about 5 minutes), then they have to write sentences about the lesson.  Sometimes they are making up the sentences themselves, while practicing proper grammar and punctuation; sometimes they are filling in blanks with things like they're, their, there or is, are.

They have to use their neatest penmanship, and I make them practice any particular letters with which they are struggling.

I also check for misspelled words and add those to a list, which becomes their spelling list for the week.  They then copy their spelling list daily, and we practice spelling the words aloud together also.

I love how the process is so streamlined.  The kids are not feeling overwhelmed, which means they actually work faster.

I'm not sure if I would feel comfortable doing language this way if they did not have a very strong foundation from Kindergarten through 2nd grade, though.  We used A Beka curriculum for those grades, which has a very strong emphasis on phonics, and we have drilled and drilled the special sounds for 3 years.  When we are practicing spelling, we are reviewing the special sounds and why those words are spelled that way.


The two older children do language/spelling/writing simultaneously.  I work on letters and sounds with my preschooler at a separate time.



I had a “duh” moment.

My kids read every spare moment!  On their bed, in a tree, walking down the road (had to put a stop to that one!)…
Why should I make them sit down and read and prolong their school day?!  I just let them read whatever and whenever they want, and we don't use a reading curriculum.

I do like for them to read out loud to me while I'm cooking supper.  That way I can ask them comprehension and vocabulary questions just to be sure they're getting all they can out of their reading.

If my kids weren't good readers, I may have to consider a formal reading curriculum, but at the same time, I'm not so sure if that would be the case.  I sort of feel like taking this approach all along is part of what has made them love reading — it's always been something they get to do, for fun!

Reading happens organically throughout the day.  There is not a set time for this.



I really wanted to use a history curriculum that lines up Biblical history with world history so the kids (and myself!) could see where world events fit into the Bible as well get more insight into the cultures of Biblical times.  I ended up going with Diana Waring's Ancient Civilizations and the Bible.  It is really geared a little more for older students, but the beauty of this curriculum is that it is purposely designed for the student to explore his interests and to learn using the style that suits him best.

I've set aside 15 minutes of our school day simply to decide what we're going to do for history.  The book offers lots of suggestions for learning resources for the current topic (crafts, books, videos, etc.) so the kids and I decide together what will fun and feasible.

Once we've decided what we explore and what we'll do, we simply incorporate that into our day instead of making it a part of school.  There is some book learning to do as well as supplementary books that I read aloud, but there is also time to do lots of hands-on activities like making an Egyptian costume, cooking an ancient Egyptian recipe, or building pyramids in the sand!

There are also supplementary CDs that we listen to while I'm cooking supper.  The kids play with blocks at the table to keep their hands occupied while they listen.


All children do history together.



We are using schoolhouse teachers for science.


All 3 children do science simultaneously.



We will be using Baby Lamb's Book of Art.  It's for ages 3-5, but I don't think the older ones will care, and I needed something that they can all do together, including the 4 year old.

All children do art simultaneously.



Yes.  Yes I do plan to teach my children Biblical Greek.  I want them to know how to study God's Word in depth, and I think it will be better to get them started while their minds are young and sharp.  We'll be using Hey Andrew, Teach Me Some Greek! Level 1.

All children do Greek simultaneously, although the youngest will just be listening in and picking up whatever he can at this point.



I would like to get the kids typing a couple times a week.  Does anyone know of a good program?  This is the one thing I haven' figured out yet!