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Exciting News For Homeschoolers (Plus a Giveaway)

The first ever “Build Your Bundle”
Homeschool Edition
sale is almost here!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!You can enter to win $100 towards your purchase
to use when the sale goes live on 7-21-14! Enter now through 11:59PM EST
on 7-20-14. The winner will be announced the day the sale starts!

Be sure to look for the special coupon code you will get when you pin
the giveaway on Pinterest!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks! Enter to win $100 towards your purchase!
For one week only (July 21-28) save up to 92% on bestselling
homeschooling products, including MANY on Cathy Duffy's Top 100 list!
Not interested in entering the giveaway, but you want to be reminded
when the sale goes live?
They will send you a reminder email! Click
here and enter your email address and click “Remind Me!”

Take a Sneek Peek at Our Bundles:



Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Tots & Preschoolers BundleThis Bundle includes products for little ones:

  • Character Training Resources
  • Handwriting Curriculum
  • Preschool & Toddler Activities
  • Bible Curriculum
  • Full Preschool Curriculum
  • & More!

Kindergarten – 3rd Grade BundleThe K-3 Bundle includes products in the following subjects:

  • Reading
  • Math
  • Science
  • History
  • Handwriting
  • Character Training
  • Bible Resources
  • Full Kindergarten Curriculum
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Elementary: 4th-6th BundleThe 4th-6th Bundle includes products in the following subjects:

  • History
  • Language Arts
  • Geography
  • Art
  • Math
  • Bible
  • Keyboarding
  • Writing Guides
  • Handwriting andCopywork Resources
  • Timeline Cards & Notebooking Pages
  • Customizable Homeschool Planner

Middle School BundleThis bundle features a full language arts curriculum from Cathy Duffy’s
Top 100 picks
and two science curricula, one of which is also from Cathy
Duffy’s Top 100 picks
, as well as:

  • A Complete Geography and History Curriculum
  • History Timeline/Book of Centuries
  • Renaissance and Reformation Notebooking Pages
  • Classical Music Curriculum
  • Creative Writing Course
  • Math Materials
  • Keyboarding Course
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Bundle for High SchoolersThis bundle features:

  • New Testament Bible Curriculum
  • Introduction to Psychology
  • A full year of math curriculum
  • Resources for World History and Geography
  • Philosophy
  • Home Economics
  • College Prep Tools
  • Grammar
  • Creative Writing Course
  • Anatomy Science Unit study from Cathy Duffy’s Top 100 picks,
    and more!

You will receive enough materials for a full year of
high school!

Charlotte Mason BundleThis bundle features a complete curriculum using the Charlotte Mason
Methods for:

  • Language Arts
  • Handwriting, and Reading
  • Geography
  • Nature Study
  • Artists Study
  • Poetry
  • And a variety of “extras” just for mom!Learn all about Charlotte Mason and enjoy a special bonus (a $90
    value all by itself) of great, classic audio books!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!
Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!Bundle Just for Moms!Save money, strengthen your marriage, and streamline your schedule using
our Mom Bundle. Find the encouragement you need and the insight to speak
to your child’s heart (even that difficult child!). Whip your home into
shape and train your children to do their chores effectively using a popular
book “chores program”.

This bundle brims with useful tools to help you bring
calm to the chaos. Get them all for just $10!

“Build Your Own” BundlesOur “Build Your Own” bundles offer you the opportunity to select a certain number of products with a retail price of $19.99 or less for up to 80% off! We have MANY items to choose from, including Cathy Duffy Top 100 Picks!

When you purchase a combination of any 2 “Build Your Own” bundles, you will get the 3rd one at 50% off!

Build Your Bundle - Homeschool Edition Sale: July 21-28 Save up to 92% on Popular Homeschooling Curriculum, Many from Cathy Duffy's Top 100 Picks!

25 Ways To Have Fun as a Family In Your Backyard

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post; I am a Kmart blogger, although all opinions are my own. #KMartSummerFun


This summer you can get outdoors and spend time with your family without having to leave your house.  Here are 25 ways to have fun as a family right in your backyard!  No matter your children's ages, and no matter what toys and equipment you own, there is something for everyone on this list!

25 Ways to Have Fun as a Family In Your Back Yard


1. Play on the swing set

Playing on Swingset

2. Pull your kids in a wagon

3. Have a  Nerf gun war

4. Cool off in a swimming pool – large or small

5. Have a water gun fight – you can use water guns or old squirt bottles you have lying around the house!

6. Enjoy a backyard picnic – we enjoy eating our lunch outside on a blanket or just sitting on the back porch with a treat.

Backyard picnic

Enjoying a smoothie together on the back porch

7. Swing on a porch swing

8. Relax in a hammock

9. Make mud puddles and let your kids play in them

10.  Run through the sprinkler

11. Play Kickball or soccerfamily time outside

12. Play catch with a baseball, football, or Frisbee

13. Teach your child to ride a bike

14. Go on a nature walk – I like to take the kids around to see how many different kinds of flowers, bugs, etc. we can find

15. Make a scavenger hunt for your kids


16. Build a campfire and roast marshmallows – when we clean up the yard, we'll burn the branches that have fallen.

17. Set up a tent – Sleep in it or just have fun playing in it during the day.

18. Plant a garden

19. Build a tree house

20. Set up a bird feeder – I especially love watching the hummingbirds!


(Photo credit to my mom)

21. Jump on a trampoline

22. Draw with sidewalk chalk

23. Exercise together

24. Blow bubbles

25. Lie in the grass and watch the clouds – this was one of my favorite things to do as a kid!


What would you add to this list?  Do you have any favorite family activities that you do in your yard?


If you're looking to add some backyard toys to your collection, you'll find some good ideas on the KMart Hot Deals page!

Free Printable Arithmetic Flashcards

Free Printable Math flashcards - A Beka style

As I gear up for another year of homeschooling, I try to save as much cash as possible.  But flashcards are not something which I feel I can do without.  They are so important for solidifying those arithmetic facts!

“I have moved all of my homeschooling posts to christianhomeschoolfamily.com. You can go here to read this post at the new site.”

Daily Supplements for the Busy Homemaker

Good supplements to take to help keep you feeling your best


We all know that it's ideal to get your nutrition from the food you eat.  But if we're realistic we have to admit that doesn't always happen.  For one thing, much of the food available isn't as nutrient-dense as it could be due to depleted soil.  For another thing, we homemakers are just plain busy!  We don't slow down enough to even eat at all sometimes, much less to eat with intention to help our food digest and be properly absorbed.

But we can't afford to let our bodies live on less-than-stellar nutrition.  Ask me how I know.

These are the things I take every single day to help make sure my body has what it needs to function properly and be energized:


Micellized D3 – Vitamin D is so important for keeping the immune system functioning properly!  The best source is from sunlight, but many people are still deficient.  These drops are the easiest for the body to absorb.  It would be good to have your levels checked before you supplement and have a dr. prescribe the right dosage.  I am currently taking 10x the amount suggested on the bottle, but only because that is what the dr. ordered based on my levels!

Garden of Life RAW Probiotics – therapeutic grade probiotics; one of the few brands that arrive refrigerated so that they stay alive!

Garden of Life Cod Liver Oil – Omega-3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, and DHA are crucial nutrients to my health, especially when breastfeeding.  Taking a spoonful of this everyday ensures I get what I need.

Liquid Chlorophyll – provides magnesium and helps…ahem…keep you “regular”.  I used to buy the NOW brand, but I don’t see it on their site right now.

Vitamins – I can tell a huge difference in my energy level if I don’t take my vitamins.  These are an organic, whole-foods (non-synthetic) vitamin and herb blend.  I will probably always take the prenatals, pregnant or not.  I've found a good product, so I think I'll stick with it!


All of these items except for the Vitamin D I purchase through Vitacost as they  usually have the lowest price.  You can also get a coupon for $10 off a $30 purchase if you go through my referral link.


Find more of my favorite products to purchase from Vitacost here.



Dear Moms Everywhere


Dear Moms Everywhere - such an encouraging post for the Christian Mom!

Dear Mom on the iPhone: I have no idea why you're on your iPhone.  Let's just remember that our children see our love by the attention we give to them.  But they also need to know that the world doesn't revolve around them.  It's okay to let your kids play by themselves sometimes.  Just use your phone wisely.

Dear Mom Not on her iPhone: I'm glad you're giving your kids your undivided attention.  I really am.  But please don't think less of the moms who use their phones at the playground.  It's not our job to make sure everyone else is a perfect parent; we only need to worry about ourselves.

Dear Mom Who Breastfeeds Her Babies: It's a wonderful thing with so many benefits.  Perhaps it was easy; perhaps you had to overcome some obstacles.  Either way, I'm glad it's working out for you.

Dear Mom Who Doesn't Breastfeed: Maybe you were not able to breastfeed, or maybe you simply chose not to.  That's really up to you.  I know no one loves your kids more than you and that you're making the decisions you feel are the best fit for your family.

Dear Mom Who Feeds Her Kids Organic Food: I'm so glad you're caring for your children the best you possibly can!

Dear Mom Who Doesn't Feed Her Kids Organic Food: I'm so glad you're caring for your children the best you possibly can too!

Dear Mom Who Had a Natural Birth: Great job!  It's hard work!

Dear Mom Who Didn't Birth Naturally: Great job!  It's still hard work!

Dear Mom Who Adopted: Awesome job!  I've heard it's really hard work!


Dear Moms Everywhere

We're all so different.  Our circumstances and philosophies are as varied as the spectrum of colors.  But one thing we all have in common.

We will all fail at this motherhood thing without help and wisdom from above.

So whether you're rich, poor, crunchy, modern, supermom or tired mom, I can tell you one thing you need to be doing every day.

You need to be down on your knees, begging God to give you wisdom as you train these little souls.  You need to be searching His word for His advice.  Then follow it and don't worry about what anyone else has to say.

These little lives are too important for you to be pressured by your peers or even by some blogger you don't even know to parent your children a certain way.  You only have one person to Whom you answer, and that is God.  Have you thought much about what He thinks?

Perhaps you spend hours scouring the internet to help you make the best decision regarding vaccinations, co-sleeping, or babywearing.  Perhaps you follow lots of bloggers who will tell you how to stop a tantrum in its tracks, how to stop yelling at your kids, or how to get your children to stop stalling at bedtime.

How many of those hours have you spent on your knees?  

^^Click to tweet that!^^

We're talking about eternal souls here.  Eternal souls for which we are responsible!  What an incredible task!

Your pastor spends hours each week preparing to preach his messages.  An evangelist would be foolish to go out evangelizing without adequate preparation.  A missionary spends months and even years learning a new language and culture so that he can effectively win the lost to Christ.

But how much preparation do you as a mother put into the days you spend with these little souls?


Dear Moms Everywhere

Dear Moms Everywhere,

You are entrusted with a monumental task.  To fulfill it well,  you must daily seek wisdom and strength from the One who has entrusted you with that task.  There will be many challenges and obstacles to overcome.  But no sacrifice will be too great to make on behalf of the precious souls that are in your care.  If you are going to err, may it be on the side of thinking more about the eternal and less about the trivial.

God bless you on your journey!