MaryEllen, Author at Imperfect Homemaker - Page 73 of 121

All Posts by MaryEllen

Easy Gluten-free Cornbread

Easy gluten free cornbread

(Have you noticed that most of my recipes have the word “easy” in them?)

My family really likes pinto beans and cornbread, but we have not had it in a very long time – pretty much since we decided that eating non-GMO foods was one of the biggest areas in which we would not compromise.  Non-GMO cornmeal is hard to find and expensive.

Last night I realized, “Hello!  I have a WonderMill now!  I can grind my own cornmeal!”  (Thank you, WonderMill company.  You are my hero.)

I had purchased a humongous bag of Non-GMO popcorn to go with the popcorn popper we got as a family Christmas present.

Lots of cornbread recipes have wheat flour in them besides cornmeal, but I am still trying to stay off wheat as much as possible.  I tweaked a recipe I found online to be gluten-free, and (of course) easy to make.

Head over the Grain Mill Wagon to get the full recipe.


Freezer Cooking Guide: Tips for Success


 Now that you know why you should be freezer cooking, and you know which foods do and don't freeze well, I want to share some tips to make your freezer cooking a success!

Tips for freezer cooking success

1. Be Prepared

 It's important to get prepared for your cooking session if you're going to cook several freezer meals at once. Even if you are just doubling your nightly meal to put into the freezer, you'll need to get everything prepared, and make sure you have all the ingredients and storage containers.


2. Get Comfortable

 You should wear a good pair of shoes (I have these shoes and absolutely love them!  They're the most comfortable pair of shoes I've ever purchased!)  If you can invest in a comfortable standing mat for your kitchen floor that is great too. Have a snack before you start to avoid snacking as you cook.


3. Shop with a List

 You definitely do not want to shop for a freezer cooking session without a list.  Go through all your recipes and write down all the ingredients as well as the amounts you need, taking into account the fact that you may be doubling, tripling, or even quadrupling some of your recipes.  You need to know exactly how much and what to buy so that you will not be lacking anything when you get into the middle of cooking.


4. Cook What You Like

 Most families actually rotate the same 8 to 10 dishes, and rarely try anything new. It's important to understand what you and your family like and work within that parameter to truly be successful with freezer cooking. Try only one or two new things in any give month and you'll be a lot happier with the outcome.  Believe me, I've put some recipes in the freezer that were new to me, and ended up not liking them at all.  Not fun to have to throw it out or eat something you don't like!


5. Get Organized

 Before you start, make sure you begin with a clean kitchen and an organized workspace. Get out the pans and supplies that you need in advance and set them out like you work in a factory so that they're ready to go.  Fill your sink with soapy water so you can wash dishes as you go.  You'll need to reuse some of your utensils for other recipes and you'll be glad to have them clean and ready to go again.  Plus, you don't want to end your cooking session with an avalanche of dishes to wash!


6. Packaging & Labeling

 You can use freezer bags to store a lot of your meals.  Lay them flat and you will find that you can fit quite of bit of food in the freezer that way. You also need to make sure you label everything so you'll know what it is after it freezes.


7. Handling Food Safely

 Do not mix utensils when handling raw meat. Wash your hands often in hot soapy water. Use a thermometer to ensure proper internal cooking temperatures.  Don't leave foods sitting out on the counter; get them back into the fridge or into the freezer. You can read more about the Core Four Practices of safe food handling at fightbac.org.

Are you ready to get some meals in the freezer?


Free Illustrated Bible Verses (KJV)

Teach your child a new verse every month with these free illustrated Bible Verses!

Each verse directly applies to things children will face in their daily lives, such as:

  • Salvation
  • Obedience
  • Being kind
  • Being generous
  • Being cheerful
  • Being diligent
  • And more!


Free illustrated Bible verses (KJV)


You can use these along with the Bible time suggestions for toddlers and preschoolers to help your little ones get to know God and his word better.


Each verse is full sized with colorful illustrations that are appropriate for each month of the year.  All scriptures are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.


These cards are free for subscribers.

Download these today and help teach your little ones God's Word!


Thank you for subscribing!  CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE CARDS.  If you're not already a subscriber, watch for a welcome email from me with another surprise inside.  Please share this post with other Christian parents too!


Overcoming Roadblocks to Organization (Part 2)

Last week I challenged you to identify your bad habits, determine the good habits with which you can replace them, and choose one good habit you will begin implementing immediately.

Here are some more tips to help you get past those Roadblocks to Organization.

Overcoming Roadblocks to Organization | Imperfect Homemaker

1. Purge Often — One sure way to get more organized is to get rid of things.  You need a whole lot less than you think you do.  (How many clothes can you wear at one time?  How many toys can your children play with at one time?  How many dishes can you eat off at one time?)
2. KISS — Keep it Simple, Sweetie! If you make things too complicated, you're not going to do them. That's why you want to look at what your current organization style is, and work with what you already have.  There's no need to create some new, complicated system of organization.  You just need to discipline yourself to have a place for everything (purge those things for which you can't find a place!), and to put things away immediately.

A place for everything, and everything in its place |imperfecthomemaker.com


3. Clean Up Every Day — Use baskets to help you transport things to their “home”, but don't keep the things in the basket for weeks at a time. Take the basket with you whenever you leave a room.
5. Keep a Calendar — Writing things down is the best way to ensure that you get things done. You can use old-fashioned pen and paper or you can use a program like Evernote, Cozi, or  Google Calendar. However you choose to keep your calendar, this is the one thing that will help you the most.  (You can't just write things on it, though!  You have to look at it every day!)
6. Forgive Yourself — No one is perfect, mistakes will happen, backsliding will happen, and your organization might get off track. Just stay aware.

Which of these do you most need to work on?

Free eBook – One Month of Devotional Meditations

My mom is working on a full year's worth of devotional meditations.  She has finished volume 1 and would like to offer it to you free of charge.

Each day of the month, she shares a passage of Scripture as well as a few thoughts as to how it spoke to her heart.

If you are not sure where to begin in your time alone with the Lord, this eBook is a perfect place to start!  All Scripture is from the King James Version of the Bible.

free ebook - one month of devotional mediations | Imperfect Homemaker

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*Please note: the download will be sent to your email.  Check your spam folder if you don't see it in your inbox.*

Don't forget to leave a comment letting my mom know that you appreciate her putting this together for you!