Family Photos Archives - Imperfect Homemaker

Category Archives for Family Photos

A Very Special Birthday

Our little ladybug turned 3 this week.

We wanted her to know how very loved she is, and we did some simple things to help make her day special.



We put streamers on her door before she got up.



We woke her up by standing outside her door and singing Happy Birthday




It took a while for her to  wake up and understand what was going on




We hid her presents all over the house.







Later that afternoon we had a joint birthday party for both of the kids at their grandparents house.  J.D.'s birthday is next week, so we will give him his own special day then.



She is so excited to be 3! She's mostly looking forward to being able to participate in children's choir at church!


We love you, little ladybug, and we pray that you will learn to love the Lord with all your heart and serve him with your life!