Framed Fabric Monogram - Imperfect Homemaker

Framed Fabric Monogram

Disclosure: The materials for this Framed Fabric Monogram as well as compensation for this post were provided by Martha Stewart/Plaid Crafts and Blueprint Social.

Framed Fabric Monogram

You all may know by now that I'm not the most artistic person in the world. However, I still enjoy beautiful things and crafts as much as any other woman. It's just that anything I do has to be pretty much dummy-proof or I will find some way to mess it up!

When I found out that I would have the opportunity to try out items from the Martha Stewart Decoupage line, I immediately thought of an easy project that even someone like me could complete.

First, here are all the goodies I recieved:

Framed Fabric MonogramThere were so many craft possibilities with all of the lace trims, fabric cutouts, and different finishes of decoupage.  All of the Martha Stewart decoupage products are available at Michael's.


The supplies I used for this craft were:

  • Martha Stewart fabric-to-fabric decoupage (I used the matte finish)
  • Martha Stewart decoupage brushes
  • Fabric of choice (I used a sheet I found at the thrift store)
  • Card stock
  • Picture frame

Here's how I did it:

First, I found a font that I liked and printed it off on the computer.

Framed Fabric Monogram

I cut it out and used it as a template to cut out an identical piece of black fabric.

Framed Fabric Monogram

Next I used a piece of card stock as a template to cut my base fabric the right size.

Framed Fabric Monogram

I applied a layer of decoupage on the back of the monogram and adhered it to the center of my base fabric.

Framed Fabric Monogram

Then I applied several coats of decoupage over top of the whole thing to seal it. I did this several times, giving it a couple hours of drying time in between.

Framed Fabric Monogram

Finally, I adhered the entire thing to a piece of card stock and stuck it in a frame. I opted to leave it without the glass so that the texture of the fabric could be more prominently displayed. (By the way, this is a great way to use thrift store frames that are missing their glass!)

Framed Fabric Monogram

That was it! Done quickly and easily! If I can do it, anyone can!


Be sure to follow Plaid for lots more ideas:

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You can also check out what other bloggers are doing with the Martha Decoupage products:

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