One Step at a Time (Imperfect Homemaking Challenge) - Imperfect Homemaker

One Step at a Time (Imperfect Homemaking Challenge)

Healthy changes come one simple step at a time.

Sometimes that's literally.

If you've been struggling to find time for an exercise routine, your challenge today is simple.

Today's Challenge: Take a walk

That may be a walk around the back yard or around the neighborhood.  Just get up and get moving!

You don't need a fancy exercise routine.  Just move!

Instagram challenge: Post a photo of your view on your walk.  Use the hashtag #imperfecthomemaker to encourage other members of this community.  (Follow me here.)


If you’re just joining the 31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking series, you can see all the posts here.


31 Days of Imperfect Homemaking | A Series for Christian Homemakers

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