Pinterest Archives - Imperfect Homemaker

Category Archives for Pinterest

Frugal Tip: Regrow Green Onions

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I have pinned a lot of things on Pinterest, but this is one of my favorite finds!  I love the added pizazz of green onions in recipes, but I hate paying for a pack of them and only using them one time.

Well, I saw somewhere on Pinterest that you can just put them in water and place them in a sunny window and they'll keep growing.  It works incredibly well!  They grow so quickly I think we could eat them for every meal and not run out!

At first I was afraid it was not going to work because the first day all the tops turned yellow and some of them wilted completely over.  Then I realized that the stalks were still nice and firm and that they were growing taller.  I just keep weeding out any that wilt and cut the yellowed tops off when I'm ready to use them.

Wow; this has saved me so much money!

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Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Pinterest

I've been working you hard doing some not-so-fun tasks.  Let's do something fun today!  It's time to actually do something you've pinned on Pinterest.  Go take a look at your boards and choose one thing to do today, whether it's making a new recipe or craft, doing an activity with your kids, or whatever. Just do something!  If you can't complete a project start-to-finish today, I want you to at least write down whatever supplies or ingredients you might need on your shopping list so you can get started as soon as possible. 

I've been experimenting with some of the homemade cleaners and such that I have pinned.  I have yet to find one that I love, though.  I'm going to keep experimenting, and when I've found a recipe I especially like, I will post it here for you.

All right, time to go get busy; you've got a job to do!

If this is your first time visiting The Imperfect Homemaker, you may be wondering what The Anti-Procrastination Challenge is.

Basically, I challenged myself at the beginning of the year to complete one task every day that I would normally put off until all of my “regular cleaning” is done.  I've done things like clean out a drawer, vacuum under the couch, clean out my coupons, etc.  Just recently, I realized that maybe some of you are like me and do better when you have a little nudge, so I decided to start posting a challenge for you to complete every day as well.  If you go here, you can see all the challenges I've posted so far.

Be sure to subscribe to email updates or follow me on Facebook so you won't miss any of the challenges!