7 Reasons to Spring Clean Your Home

7 Reasons to Spring Clean Your Home

It's about that time of year when you're starting to think about spring cleaning your home.

Maybe you're dreading taking the time to dive in and get the work done, so I thought I'd give you some things to think on as to why it's a good idea to go ahead and spring clean your home.

Here are seven reasons to spring clean your home:

7 Reasons to Spring Clean Your Home

1. Improves your mood

Having a clean home is a great feeling. A cluttered, messy environment can wreak havoc on one’s emotions. Being able to come home every day to a space that is tidy and organized is a great gift you can give to yourself.

2. Relieves stress

It is a depressing feeling to wake up to disorder every single morning. Many people can attest to the fact that living in an untidy environment brings you a great amount of unnecessary stress. Spring cleaning will ensure that your home feels peaceful, rather than the chaos that you may have been forced to become used to.

3. Makes it easier to practice hospitality

No one wants to invite their friends over to a home that appears uncared for, and it is embarrassing to your family to have a dirty house. When your home has been through a detailed spring cleaning, you won't have a second thought about inviting others. It will be a pleasure for you, your family, and your guests.

4. Saves time

When you have to dig through a pile of clothing to find a small piece you have misplaced, or search yet again for the keys or shoes you lose on a consistent basis, valuable time is being lost. Spring cleaning saves time, as it give you a change to reorganize. It allows you to sort through everything you own once again, and give each tiny item a place of its own in order to be easily found each and every time.

5. Helps you be more organized

When you are organized, life runs more smoothly. If your home is orderly, both you and your guests will feel the difference. It will be easier to go about your daily duties, and keep on top of everything you are responsible for.

6. Gives you a workout

Spring cleaning is a great workout. It may be surprising to some, but both light and heavy housework give your body a boost. You may be surprised at what a sweat you work up while getting your home into tip-top shape. You can be sure to move your muscles, stimulate your lymphatic system, and even get a bit of cardio in while organizing items and scrubbing walls.  If you don't normally have time to exercise, spring cleaning your home provides a great opportunity to get in a workout.

7. Blesses others

One of spring cleaning’s outcomes is finding things that we realize we do not need. This is a great time to give away what we cannot use anymore to someone who can benefit from our unwanted items. When you have sorted through clothing that no longer fits, appliances you no longer use, and books that your children have outgrown, you have a choice what you will do with it all. Consider donating to a charity or someone in need.

There are many benefits of spring cleaning, and these are just a few.  Keep yourself going through the hard work with the thoughts of everything you will gain.


Note: I realize not everyone has the time or physical energy to spring clean their entire home all in one big sweep.  If that is the case, consider spring cleaning year-round!  Choose one area of your home to focus on each week.  Declutter, organize, and deep clean one small area on a consistent basis, and you will find that you can keep your entire home in “spring cleaned” condition without having to devote an unreasonable amount of time or energy once a year.

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