MaryEllen, Author at Imperfect Homemaker - Page 104 of 121

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Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Fall Decorating

Anti-Procrastination Challenge


I'm sure that for a lot of you, putting up fall decor is not something that would cause you to procrastinate.  There are so many talented people out there when it comes to that kind of thing, and you enjoy it so much that putting it off is not even a temptation.

I'm a little different.  I love looking at the pretty decor, but I hate the process of actually putting it up.

I have a hard time figuring out how to make stuff look good in the first place. Then there's the matter of the messes the kids are going to make while I'm fiddling with decorating, the laundry that needs to be folded, the dishes that need washed (again!), and the diapers to change.  If I start decorating, all the other work is just going to pile up and I'm not even going to enjoy the decor because of looking at all the messes.  See?  I get overwhelmed just thinking about it.

But,  like I said, I do love getting to look at the pretty decor, and I get really sad whenever I realize that a season has just passed and I never even got out my decorations.  Since hiring someone to come decorate for me isn't exactly an option, what am I to do?

I figured I would start with something simple.  Candles are easy, as well as wreaths if they're already made.  I also keep ready-made faux floral arrangements for the different seasons so that I can just set them out.   I may not be able to arrange a mantle (or fantle), change out all the pictures on the walls, and put fall accents in every room of the house, but I can do a few quick and easy things that will still make a difference and set the mood for the new season a little bit.

I've already been burning a fall candle every day, and today I pulled out my wreaths and hung them up.  That took all of 60 seconds!  Yup.  I have no excuse to procrastinate on that one.

fall wreaths

If you're a little like me and don't really enjoy the actual process of decorating, my challenge to you is to think of at least one thing that you can do that's quick and easy.  You'll be glad you did!

If you're the type that loves to decorate and could do it all day long, I've got a different challenge for you.  But make sure you clear your schedule because it involves coming over to my house.  🙂

If you’re just joining the Anti-Procrastination challenge, you may want to subscribe to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each new challenge!

A Very Special Birthday

Our little ladybug turned 3 this week.

We wanted her to know how very loved she is, and we did some simple things to help make her day special.



We put streamers on her door before she got up.



We woke her up by standing outside her door and singing Happy Birthday




It took a while for her to  wake up and understand what was going on




We hid her presents all over the house.







Later that afternoon we had a joint birthday party for both of the kids at their grandparents house.  J.D.'s birthday is next week, so we will give him his own special day then.



She is so excited to be 3! She's mostly looking forward to being able to participate in children's choir at church!


We love you, little ladybug, and we pray that you will learn to love the Lord with all your heart and serve him with your life!

Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Commitment

Anti-Procrastination Challenge


Something struck me last night as I was thinking about this Anti-Procrastination Challenge.  Part of what makes it so easy to procrastinate is that the only person to whom I'm accountable is myself.

If I need to get the refrigerator cleaned out, but I don't get to it, it's no big deal.  I tell myself, “I'll get to it tomorrow,” and go on my merry way.

If there's something that needs to be done, and I've made a commitment to another person about it, I am much more likely to get it done, lest I be embarrassed about breaking my promise.

I started thinking of all the things that I have really given my best effort to do without procrastinating, and, for the most part, they all have one element in common: a commitment to another person.

Part of the reason I decided to publicly blog about my personal challenge of anti-procrastination was to give me more motivation and give me a little extra push to stop procrastinating.

I've been trying to brainstorm ways that I can make even more commitments to help myself get even more done.  One of the easiest things I have done that I need to keep in mind in the future is to tell my kids of my intentions.  If I tell my kids that I will take them to the playground, they will not let me forget.  If I tell them that I need to defrost the freezer, they will be sure to remind me.  If I tell them that we're going to invited someone over for dinner, they will make sure I remember.  (Better yet, if I'm going to invite someone for dinner, I need to go ahead and make the commitment with the person I'm intending to invite.  Then I'm definitely forced into following through with my intentions of being more hospitable.)

I'll be trying to think of more ways to help myself be even more productive by determining ways to make myself more accountable to people.

Maybe that sounds like a crutch to self-discipline, and maybe it really is, but I realize that's what it's going to take to help push myself to get more done.

If I want to do something for someone, I'm going to go ahead and tell them I will.  I'll be pushed to follow through or face the embarrassment of breaking a promise.

I'm going to tell my kids of my plans for the day more often; the persistent reminders will help me carry out those plans.


What about you?  Will a stronger level of commitment to others help you be more productive?  Try to think of some ways you can help yourself get more done by being accountable to others more often.


If you’re just joining the Anti-Procrastination challenge, you may want to subscribe to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each new challenge!

25 Free Fall Outdoor Activities for Kids

free fall activities for kids


Fall weather makes me want to be outside as much as possible.  The weather is absolutely gorgeous, and I know that winter will be here soon.

Here are 25 free things kids (and adults!) can do to spend time outside in the fall.  All of these might not be 100% free – for instance, some require gasoline to get to a location – but for the most part these will all be pretty much no-cost.



1. Go hiking.  Visit a nature trail in your city or a state park.

2. Go on a fall scavenger hunt.  Make a list of various fall items (acorns, leaves, rocks, etc.) and see who can find everything on their list first.

3. Go on a picnic.  Even if it's only on a blanket in the backyard, a picnic is a nice way to get in some more outdoor time enjoying the weather.

4. Go bird-watching.  Head outside with some binoculars and a bird book and see how many of your native birds you can identify.

5. Go on a walking tour. Map out and visit historical sites in your town.  Pack a lunch and make a day of it.

6. Participate in nature programs.  Some cities and park systems offer free nature programs for children.

7. Check out the community calendar.  Check online to find free events in your community and the surrounding area.

8. Go geocaching.

9. Make a nature collection.  Let the kids see how many interesting leaves, rocks, acorns, or bugs they can find.

10. Go on a bike ride.

11. Go to the beach.  If you can make a trip, fall is an incredible time to go to the beach.  The weather is still warm (many times it's warm enough to even swim), but lodging rates are greatly reduced and crowds are almost nonexistent.

12. Go camping in the backyard.

13. Help out a neighbor. Do some yard work for someone who could use the help.

14. Rake leaves and jump in them.

15. Read a book.  Reading is a great way to spend an afternoon, but it's even more enjoyable when you're outside enjoying the gorgeous weather.

16. Take digital photos.  Don't just take pictures of the kids.  Let them use the camera to take pictures of anything they find interesting.

17. Go on a hayride.

18. Go star-gazing.

19. Visit the playground.  Playgrounds are not very crowded in the fall since most kids are busy with school-related activities, but the weather is perfect for playing outside.

20. Pick up trash.  Gear everyone up with gloves and a trash bag, pick a road, and start beautifying your city.

21. Visit a local farm.

22. Play football or another outdoor sport.

23. Go to the pumpkin patch.

24. Go apple picking.

25.  I'm sure there's one more, but I can't think of it!  What are your ideas for free ways kids can enjoy the fall weather?


Free fall outdoor activities for kids

Anti-Procrastination Challenge: Shiny Faucets

Anti-Procrastination Challenge


I saw on Pinterest forever ago that if you rub waxed paper over your faucets it will keep the faucets from getting those ugly water spots on them.

Source: inthiscrazylife-bethany.blogspot.com via MaryEllen on Pinterest

I cannot tell you how many times I have wiped down my sinks and faucets and thought, I really should try that waxed paper thing.  Instead of just going and getting the waxed paper and trying, I just think it every time.  Why do I procrastinate about everything?!!!

Anyway, so today I finally decided to go do it, and lo and behold, I had no waxed paper.

I tried checking the internet to see if there was anything else I could use, and I found something that said to use rubbing alcohol.

Here is my bathroom faucet immediately after cleaning it with alcohol:

(By the way, it is incredibly hard to take a good picture of a shiny faucet in a dimly lit bathroom.  You'll just have to use your imagination, okay?)

shiny faucet


Then, I purposely splashed water all over the faucet.  Most of it was repelled by the alcohol and ran right off.

shiny faucet

Here's what it looked like after it dried.  I think it looks just as good as when I first cleaned it with the alcohol.

shiny faucet


Time will tell how long I can go before I need to re-treat it with alcohol, but I can't imagine the waxed paper trick lasts forever either.



It's time for you to take your turn in this challenge!  Go shiny up those faucets!  If anybody tries the waxed paper method, I'd love to hear how it works for you.  Or, if you have any other ingenius ideas for keeping your faucets shiny, I'd love to hear about those too!


If you’re just joining the Anti-Procrastination challenge, you may want to subscribe to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each new challenge!