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“Farewell, Fatigue”! (Plus a Giveaway Worth $200+!)

Natural Help for Chronic Fatigue

God taught me a lot of things during the time that I struggled with chronic fatigue.  I believe He allowed me to go through it for a reason.  And I believe that one of those reasons is so that I could help others who are dealing with the same thing.

I know what it's like to struggle just to put one foot in front of the other each day.  It breaks my heart when I hear friends or readers mention that they are not functioning very well.

YOU are the reason I wrote this book!

After much prayer for direction as to where I should seek natural help for the chronic fatigue, God led me to a doctor of functional medicine.  A functional medicine doctor is dedicated to seeking out the root of the illness and correcting the actual problem, not just the symptoms.  For nearly a year, I have been learning from my doctor as well as doing my own research.   I paid thousands of dollars for my “treatment” (which was basically a personalized education as to how to best nourish my body).  But I want everyone to have access to this information!  I want YOU to feel better so that you can have the energy you need to take care of your home and your family!

Is $6.99 a little more affordable than thousands of dollars? Then go ahead and buy the ebook!

I'm also including a set of encouraging scripture verse printables to everyone who purchases the ebook.  They will be included with your book download. If you purchase the Kindle version, you can email me your receipt and I will email them to you.

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(You can also purchase the book for Kindle here.)

In this book you will learn:

  • The Basic Essentials of Health
  • More Advanced Aspects of Health Management
  • The Practical Side of Overcoming Chronic Fatigue
  • Helpful Resources for Purchasing Food and Supplements

These natural methods of healing are not spooky or strange, but are lifestyle changes that anyone can implement.

Although I was already leading a fairly healthy lifestyle before ever being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue, there were a few pieces of the puzzle that were missing. I have attempted to share ALL of the puzzle pieces that fit together for me so that you can attempt to piece them together in your own life!

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There will be a Facebook party on January 7 from 8-10 pm.  Join us as we discuss strategies to overcome fatigue.  Door prizes will be given away as well as party favors for everyone!  RSVP here so you'll receive a reminder when it's time to party!



I am so grateful for these sponsors who have generously provided prizes that will help you along on your journey toward a more healthy, energetic lifestyle.

Are you constantly tired? Do you struggle to get through the basics of your day?

Learn how I overcame chronic fatigue naturally!

Farewell, Fatigue (ebook)

Learn how I overcame chronic fatigue naturally!

Price: $6.99
Natural Help for Chronic Fatigue


After a year and a half of struggling with fatigue and other miserable symptoms for no explainable reason, I was finally diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I immediately began a quest to find the information I needed to overcome it with nothing other than completely natural methods.

Today I have made a complete turnaround from the way I used to feel.

Although I spent thousands of dollars to learn from naturally minded doctors, I want to share with you what I have learned for just the price of an ebook!


In this book you will learn:

  • The Basic Essentials of Health
  • More Advanced Aspects of Health Management
  • The Practical Side of Overcoming Chronic Fatigue
  • Helpful Resources for Purchasing Food and Supplements

These natural methods of healing are not spooky or strange, but are lifestyle changes that anyone can implement.

Although I was already leading a fairly healthy lifestyle before ever being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue, there were a few pieces of the puzzle that were missing. I have attempted to share ALL of the puzzle pieces that fit together for me so that you can attempt to piece them together in your own life!

Read more at https://www.imperfecthomemaker.com/store/farewell-fatigue#xeoaeqSH38ywM3QX.99


  • Third Day Naturals offers natural handmade soap, skin and body care.  It is absolutely amazing how many toxic chemicals are in most of the body care on the market today.  Although it is only one small piece of the puzzle, reducing the toxic load on your body will definitely aid you in overcoming fatigue.  You will only find the purest ingredients in the products from Third Day Naturals.  They are giving away a package of the following products: 1 sugar scrub, 1 full size lotion bar, 1 soap, 1 lip balm.
  •  Plan to Eat is giving away a free one year subscription to their meal planning service. Having a meal plan will save you time and money, allow you to spend less time in the grocery store, help you eat healthier food, and give you the peace of mind that comes with knowing what is for dinner. Plan to Eat is an online meal planner that uses your recipes, scheduled for the days you want them. Then, it automatically makes your grocery list using the recipes you’ve selected. Here’s a short one-minute video to show you how it works:

Plan to Eat – The Online Menu Planner from Plan to Eat on Vimeo.


  • At Bloom Naturals you will find a variety of natural skincare items as well as products for babies and kids and natural laundry products.  They are giving away a $25 gift certificate to my shop, plus ALL of my readers get a 20% off coupon when you use the code BOOKLAUNCH.  Shop through this link.

 Bloom Naturals

  • The VitaClay Smart Organic Multicooker makes perfect rice, brown rice, whole grains, quinoa, savory stews, soups and nutritious bone broths or steamed fish or veggies. It also doubles as a low temperature yogurt maker! Meals are super flavorful and nourishing because VitaClay seals in the beneficial nutrients and enzymes.  There is a TON more I could say about this product; you should check out all the cool details here!


Farewell, Fatigue

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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Best Homemaking Posts of 2013

I belong to a group of bloggers called the Alternative Living Network, and we have come together to show you our Best Homemaking Posts of 2013!

Grab a cup of tea and enjoy browsing!  I've divided them into categories for you so you can quickly find what interests you the most.


Homemaking Posts

Time Management

Time Management

10 Tips for Successful Time Management

When You Can't Do it All

How to Define Your Priorities

Time Management Pitfalls

7 Ways to Add Hours to Your Day

Tools for Geting (& Staying) Prepared


Healthy Eating


Healthy Food and Lifestlye

 Healthy Eating 101: Where Do I Start?

Where To Shop for Healthy Food

Where to Shop for Healthy Food (Part 2)

The Anti-Bacterial Movement: Are We Destroying Our Immune Systems?

Is a High Speed Blender Worth It?

Sourcing Quality Produce

Freezing Fresh Vegetables

Don't Surround Your Baby in Plastic

Making Plastic Free Choices

Organic Cotton: Worth the Investment?



Saving Money

Saving Money

How to Afford to Be a Stay At Home Mom

37 Easy Ways to Save Money

No Spend Month Challenge

15 Simple Tips for Saving Money on Groceries

If It's Broken, Fix It!  Don't Buy a New One!

Simple Tips to Help You Start Living Healthier Without Breaking the Bank


Green Living

Green Living

Using Cloth in the Kitchen

The Paper Free Kitchen

The Whys and Hows of Family Cloth

Natural Ways to Trap Fruit Flies

Keeping Bugs Away

Homemade Insect Repellent Recipes

8 Ways to Create an Eco-Friendly Bedroom


Cleaning and Organizing

Cleaning and Organizing

Just Do the Next Thing

5 Simple Tips for the Housekeeping Challenged

Find Your Sheets!  Organizing the Linen Closet

Reusable Mop Pad

How to Organize Your Laundry Room

Easy Frugal Organization for Children's Activities or Craft Supplies

Storing Hand Me Downs

10 Reasons to Start Simplifying

Organizing a Small Space

Organize Your Fridge and Reduce Food Waste

Organizing Recipes in a Digital World

One Simple Thing That Will Make a Big Difference in Your Day

Decluttering Challenge

How to Declutter Your Home in 7 Easy Steps



Homemaking Tips

Miscellaneous Homemaking Tips

Easy Workout Routine for Busy Women

It's a Mirage

Why I Purposely Waste Money

Accepting Grace in This Season

5 Things I Learned as a Brand New Homemaker

Easy Tips to Show Hospitality to Overnight Guests

How to Survive When You're In Survival Mode


*Disclaimer: I do not necessarily endorse all of the content found on these other blogs.  Please read at your own discretion.*

If you want to find a bunch of other great posts from our network on all kinds of topics like Homeschooling, Home Remedies, Christian Growth, and lots and lots and LOTS of healthy recipes, be sure to visit these other blogs between 12/23 and 12/31.

Whole Intentions

Feed Me, Mama

It Takes Time

The Entwife's Journal

The Ezer Wife

Your Thriving Family

Nourishing Simplicity

Richly Rooted

Joyful Thrifty Home

Day 2 Day Joys

Wisdom Seeking Mommy

Natural Momma in Progress

Accidentally Green

Georgetown MN

Growing Slower

Imperfect Homemaker

Simple Life Abundant Life

Natural Living Mamma

Whole New Momma

Nourishing Faith and Family

Live Essentially

Free Gift Inventory Printable

This free printable Gift Inventory is just the first of many free printables I'll be offering this year to help you be more organized.

The theme on the blog for 2014 is “Project Simplify”.  I want to simplify my life by reducing clutter both in my home and my schedule so that I have more space to accomplish more!

As I babystep my way toward simplifying my life, I'll be sharing helpful resources with you as I go along.

I'm starting with this printable gift inventory because right now there are lots of after Christmas sales going on and I am already starting my gift shopping for 2014.

Here's how I plan to use this list:

  • I will list the names of every person for whom I would normally buy gifts in a year.  If I would normally give them more than one gift (for example, a birthday gift and a Christmas gift), I will list their name separately for each occasion.
  • I will either write gift ideas as I think of them, or if I stumble across a clearance item I will go ahead and buy it and write down what I got them so I will remember what I have purchased for whom.
  • I'll also write down the date that I need to have the gift by (their birthdate or the date of our family Christmas gathering, etc.)

With everyone already listed out for the year I can think ahead and shop for good deals all year long.  I also won't have to worry about scrambling for gifts at the last minute!

Free Gift Inventory Printable

Download and Print your Gift Inventory Here.


If you want to make sure you don't miss any of the other resources for Project Simplify, be sure you're subscribed to free email updates!  You can subscribe right below this post.

What areas of your life do you need to work on simplifying?

Free Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions!

If you happen to be on the computer today, you absolutely must take advantage of this offer!

Free Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions!

Tropical Traditions is offering a FREE 32 oz. jar of their Gold Label Virgin Coconut oil through midnight, December 25th.

You must make a minimum purchase of $12.99 and pay shipping of around $6, but don't let that scare you.

The 32 oz. jar is normally $40, and this is about the highest quality coconut oil you're going to get.

As an idea to get to the $12.99 mark, the quart jars of expeller pressed coconut oil are on sale for $14.99, so you would end up getting that and 32 oz. of virgin coconut oil for $14.99+ shipping!  Regular prices for both of these would be $62.50!

I'm definitely getting my order in!

To get yours:

  • Go here and add the 32 oz. jar of Gold Label Virgin Coconut oil to your cart. (FYI: There are several places to add the 32 oz. jar, but there is one specifically that lists the price as $0.  It won't work unless you click that one!)
  • Add another $12.99 worth to your cart.  (The expeller pressed coconut oil is toward the bottom of this page if that's what you want.
  • The price of the virgin coconut oil will automatically be deducted at checkout.

Hurry!  This offer is only available through the end of Christmas day!


(Disclosure: I receive a small gift code from Tropical Traditions when you make a purchase through these links.  I greatly appreciate it!)

Why I Don’t Get Up Early

Why I Don't Get Up Early

Read any book or blog post on time management and productivity, and chances are pretty good you will be told to get up early.

I agree – getting up early helps my days run more smoothly and helps me be more productive.

But I don't get up early, and I have a very good reason.

Right now is not the right season of life for me to be getting up early.

I have a 3 week old baby.  She's doing really well with sleeping, but nonetheless I am still running on too little sleep.

A lack of sleep is a large contributor to imbalanced hormones.  Imbalanced hormones are almost a surefire way to send me right back into chronic fatigue.  I don't want to go there.

I could beat myself up for not toughing it out and getting up and getting going on my day.  Or I could recognize that there are seasons of life and get the proper rest until this season passes.

What season are you in? Are you feeling guilty because other moms seem to do so much more than you do?  Do you need to recognize the season of life you are currently in, and do what's right for you at this time?

You're not them, and they're not you.  It's okay to sleep in.  In fact, it may be more than okay – it may be good.

Do you have little ones who won't sleep in?  Sleep as long as you can in the morning and take a nap in the afternoon.

There will be a time and a place to get lots done. Maybe now is not that time and place.

For more information on sleep and other factors which can help you overcome fatigue, check out my new ebook, Farewell, Fatigue: How I Overcame Chronic Fatigue the Natural Way.

How much sleep do you get? Did you realize sleep plays such a vital role in keeping your hormones balanced?