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Where to Start with Child Training When You Feel Like You’re Behind



I’ve recently had some moms ask me where to begin when their children are older but they wish they would have started training their children to obey God from birth.

They know they need to start, but aren’t quite sure how.


Teaching your child at an older age is not going to differ much from teaching a younger child.

We all need the same thing whether we’re children, teenagers, or adults, and that is the spirit of God working to change us through the power of His Word.

The salvation of your child and subsequently a life that is lived for God’s glory is the ultimate goal. The goal is not to have your child outwardly conform to your standards, but rather to be changed from the inside out. So first of all, ask yourself “Does my child claim to know Christ as his Savior?” If not, pray specifically toward that end and focus on teaching them Scripture that is directed specifically toward pointing out their sin and their need for a Savior.

If your child does know Christ as his Savior, then he has the Holy Spirit dwelling within. It should be your goal as the parent to direct your child to follow the Spirit’s promptings in his heart. If all a child learns is to follow rules, his life will be a mess when he is grown and he has no one to make any rules for him. Instead you need teach your child that God’s Word needs to be his authority. When enforcing rules at home, remind your child every time that by disobeying his parents he has actually disobeyed God’s Word.

Before we go any further, I want to be doubly sure you understand exactly what the goal is. You can’t reach a goal if you’re not 100% clear on what it is.

Read this out loud to solidify it in your own heart and mind:

My goal in training (child’s name) is the salvation of (his/her) soul and (his/her) submission to the Word of God.

Okay, now that you know exactly what the goal is let’s go over some practical steps to get there.

1. First of all, PRAY! I already mentioned that it is the Holy Spirit who must do the work in your child’s heart. You can enforce conformity to outward standards, but you can never get into your child’s heart and change his thinking and attitudes. If you want the Holy Spirit to do so, you need to ask him! You should also be praying for wisdom to know what to say as you teach your child and how to respond when a particular situation arises.

2. Know the Word of God for yourself. If your goal is for your children to be submissive to the Word of God, they first of all need to know what it says. And if you want your children to know the Word of God, you need to know it yourself. You can’t teach something you don’t know!  (See also: Finding Time for God When You Can Hardly Find Time to Breathe.)

Christian Motherhood quote |imperfecthomemaker.com

3. Build credibility. You can talk to your children until you are blue in the face, but they are not going to listen to a word you say if your life does not back up what you are saying. (Mom tells me God’s Word is the most important thing in the world, but she spends all her time on the computer? Mom tells me to speak to others kindly, but she yells at me when she’s frustrated?   You get the picture.)

Not only do you build credibility by how you live, but you also build credibility by being consistent in your discipline. If you’ve told your children they may not touch a particular item in the house, but you see them playing with it one day and ignore it because it’s “too inconvenient” to deal with at the time, they are going to pick up very quickly that obedience isn’t really as important as you say. If you tell your child to clean his room and he doesn’t do it until the second or third time (when you’ve finally yelled loud enough), he is going to learn that he doesn’t really have to obey right away.

Now what if you have made mistakes in the past and haven’t been consistent about disciplining your child every time he disobeys or doesn’t obey the first time he’s told?

If your child is old enough to realize those things, he is old enough for you to sit down with him and give him an honest heart-to-heart talk about where you’ve failed him as a parent. Explain to him that you haven’t taught him how important it is to obey you (and ultimately God), but that starting from this moment on, you will be making the importance of obedience clear to him by administering appropriate consequences when he disobeys.

Seeing mom or dad admit mistakes is not going to destroy your credibility; it will actually help your child realize that his parents aren’t trying to pretend to be perfect.   (He already knows you’re not perfect, so seeing you try to act like you are only shows him that you are a liar and a hypocrite – not exactly character traits you are wanting to exemplify.)  Once you've talked with your child and told him what to expect — do it!  Follow through, or you will destroy the credibility you're trying to build before you ever get started!


4. Show your children how much you love and care about them. “No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care” may seem like a trite statement, but yet it is true. Do you want your children to listen when you try to correct and instruct them?  They won't want to hear it unless you have shown them that you care about them as a person.  Spend time with them.  Listen to them.  Get to know them.  We'll cover some practical ways to do that another time.  We'll also cover some ideas for specific scriptures that are good to teach your children, but for now just teach them something!


Since this post is getting long, I'll try to sum it all up in four words.

Where do you start when you feel like you're behind with child training?

Start where you are.



Not in a week after you've come up with a detailed plan.  Not after you've lamented over the years you've lost.  Right now.

Go forward and don't look back.


Love and prayers for you and your children,

Possibly Free Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle!

This year's Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle will be here in just a few weeks.  It always has fantastic resources!

Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle

I know many of you have a hard time affording it, though, so I wanted to share a way you can get a bundle completely free!

Here's what to do:

1. Go here and sign up to be notified when the sale goes live.

2. When you do, you'll also receive a special referral link.  Share the link with your friends, and receive the following:

  • Refer 1 friend and get $5 off your bundle
  • Refer 5 friends and get the 12 healthy living audio conference sessions free
  • Refer 10 friends and get your bundle free!

Surely you've all got 10 friends, right?

Now what are you waiting for, go get started on that free bundle!

9 Questions to Ask Yourself When You’re Feeling Sleepy

9 Questions to Ask Yourself When You're Feeling Sleepy | ImperfectHomemaker.com


Sometimes when I get to feeling sleepy during the day I try to think through what I've done/haven't done that is contributing to my sleepiness.

Often the answer is obvious, but it is sometimes hard to figure it out when your brain doesn't want to wake up and function!

I came up with a list of basic questions to go through sort of like a checklist.  Each of these things will easily make you feel sleepy, so if you're feeling tired, try these first!


Here they are:


1. Am I dehydrated?

2. Did I take my vitamins today?  (Here are some suggestions.)

3. Do I need a chiropractic adjustment?

4. Have I eaten enough today?

5. Have the foods I've eaten been nutritious or simply empty calories?

6. Have I been getting enough sleep?

7. Have I gotten some type of exercise today?

8. Is my house/work area a mess?

9. Have I been extra busy or stressed lately?


If you're careful to do these things and you still can't seem to shake the sleepiness, you may be interested in my eBook entitled Farewell, Fatigue: How I Overcame Chronic Fatigue the Natural Way.  I was doing all the right things but lived in a state of chronic exhaustion until I found a natural doctor who helped me tremendously!  I've shared all I learned from her (and then some!) in my book.


Is there anything I've forgotten to put on this list?  Leave me a comment and let me know!


A Compact Travel System for Your Growing Family

The more children we have, the more interested I become in things that will save space both in the house and in the car.

There are so many odds and ends that I feel we have to keep in the car, but there is only so much room.  I began the hunt for a compact travel system so that I could make other moms with growing families aware of it.

I specifically wanted to find a compact travel system rather than just a stroller because it is so nice to be able to just click the carseat out of the carseat base and into the stroller rather than having to transfer the baby (especially if he's sleeping!)


Here's what I found:

Urbini Touri Review

The Urbini Touri Compact Travel System not only lives up to its name as far as being compact, but it has lots of other fantastic features too!  (Disclosure:  I received the travel system free to facilitate this review; however, as always all opinions are 100% my own.)



  • Stroller is a comfortable height and has a comfortable handle design
  • Stroller rides very smoothly
  • Stroller folds extremely compact
  • Cup holder included with stroller
  • Stroller recline angle adjusts to wherever you want it (and does so very easily)
  • Stroller has adjustable footrest to make it the most comfortable for baby's size
  • Stroller changes from swivel wheels to locked wheels to make pushing on rough terrain easier
  • Stroller is easy to fold and unfold
  • The sunshade on both the carseat and stroller provides lots of coverage
  • Carseat includes a preemie insert for tiny babies
  • Carseat cover and buckle cushions are easy to remove and wash
  • Carseat harness is easy to adjust
  • Carseat is lightweight


Urbini Touri Review

I was really surprised at how much coverage the sunshade offers.



On the left is my umbrella stroller. On the right is the Urbini Touri stroller. They are pretty much the same size!



The stroller was packed very nicely for shipping. There was a lot of extra padding to prevent any part of it from getting damaged.


  • The basket under the stroller is small; I guess a larger basket would not allow the stroller to be folded so compactly!
  • Latching the carseat in and out of the base or stroller is not extremely convenient.  Not a terrible deal, but it's not the easiest I've ever used.
  • It doesn't seem like the most durable stroller in the world.
  • The buckles do not buckle and unbuckle terribly smoothly.
Urbini Touri Stroller

The basket is small, and the bars underneath do not allow it to stretch out any larger.


Overall, the Urbini Touri is a very nice travel system at a very nice price.  (Walmart.com has it listed at $149.)  It has every feature I could wish for in a stroller, all in a very compact size.  This is a great option for any family with small spaces and a small budget!


Urbini Touri Review

Just Say No

Warning:  This post is very likely to step on some toes.  But please know this — I never post anything here but that my own toes have not been stepped on first.  It is my desire to grow every day to be more like the Lord Jesus and to help other Christian ladies to do the same. Sometimes what He teaches me is not going to be popular.  But hey, it's not always exactly what I want to hear myself either.  We don't always expect our children to like what they're told, but we still expect them to obey.  And when God tells us something in His Word, He doesn't ask us to like it; He asks us to obey anyway.  But you know what?  Obedience brings joy and blessing.  So even if we don't like what we hear today, let's obey anyway and expect the blessing that obedience brings!

Christiian Inspiration


Ready?  Here we go…


What are you doing right now?

Well, yes, I know you're reading this blog post. But why are you on the computer/phone/tablet?

Are you spending your time intentionally today?  Is this the time that you're supposed to be relaxing at the computer?  Or are you just avoiding other stuff you'd rather not be doing?


What have you eaten today?  The things your body needs or the things your taste buds want?


When did you get up this morning?  Whenever you felt like it or when you should have?  Actually, let's back that up.  When did you go to bed last night?  Early enough to get enough rest for the day ahead, or did you lollygag on Facebook or Pinterest instead of shutting it down and going to sleep?


I could go on and on with many areas in which you have to make the choice to say no to what you want.


But the truth is, God has told us that we are to practice temperance.

Temperance?  Really?  You're writing a blog post about an obscure little word in the Bible called temperance?

To some people it may not seem like a big deal, but to the Christian it is a big deal!

Over-indulging in that dessert is typically something we make into a joke.  Call me extreme, but I don't think it's a joke to God when he has very specifically told us to practice moderation.  (Notice: I didn't say enjoying a dessert is wrong.  But enjoying dessert to excess is not practicing temperance and that's when it becomes wrong.)


The ability to say no to our desires when those things are not beneficial to us is part of being a Spirit-controlled Christian.


II Peter 1: 6-9:

And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge;And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.  For if these things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.  But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.


Did you catch that?  We are to be adding temperance to our faith.  According to scripture, practicing temperance is not something to be done lackadaisically.  We are supposed to be practicing it diligently!  To God it's apparently a big deal if it's something at which we're told to work hard to put into practice.

The 1974 Merriam-Webster dictionary defines temperance as: habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions. 

Notice the word habitual.  Temperance should be something we as Christians practice all the time; not just when we feel like it or when it's convenient.


Do you want to bear fruit for the Lord Jesus?  Then you must practice temperance.  Another word I could use is self-control.

When your child has committed an offense and you need to speak to him in a firm tone, do you cross the line and allow yourself to lash out in anger?  Or do you control your desire to vent your frustration?

When that book is sooo good and you just can't put it down, do you give in to your desire to finish it or do you turn out the light and go to sleep so you can be refreshed in the morning?


But, here's the kicker.  Self-control sounds like something we can do ourselves, but it is absolutely not.  Controlling yourself can only be done when  you are Spirit-controlled.


Galations 5:22-25

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.


Temperance is a result of being filled with the Spirit.


So…you're saying if I waste time on the internet when I should be going to bed, I'm not being controlled by the Spirit?


You got it.  You're being controlled by your own desires rather than by the Spirit of God.


Now, please let me be 100% clear.

It is not wrong to relax.

It is not wrong to enjoy dessert or soda or any other junk food.

It is not wrong to have fun.

It is not wrong to browse Facebook.



Relaxing, sleeping, eating are normal human desires.  But when you enjoy them to the point of excess you are not practicing temperance and are not exhibiting the fruit of being filled with the Spirit.


So…in what area of your life do you need to start saying no to yourself through the power of the Spirit of God?

If you want to grow to be all that God wants you to be, you must not dismiss things as “not a big deal”.

God promises that when “these things” abound in you (see II Peter 1:6-9 above), you will not be unfruitful.

I don't know about you, but that sounds like a great incentive to say no to my own desires!



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Dark Sayings of Old (and a Free Devotional eBook)

Guest post by Imperfect Homemaker contributor Ellen (my mom!)


What do I want to leave my children and grandchildren when I leave this present world?

It would be nice to leave them a few riches in material goods, but I don't know how much of that is going to happen.  But much more important than that, I want to leave them riches in Christ.  I want to leave them a godly legacy.

Christian Motherhood quote | imperfecthomemaker.com

As I get older,  it is more and more clear how little time we have on this earth.  I pray that I never take my time with my family for granted for it is the only time I have to show them who Christ is and what He can do for them.  I want to live in such a way before them that their desire will be to love and serve Christ whole-heartedly. This is what I read in Psalms 78:1-4: Give ear, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the words of my mouth.  I will open my mouth in a parable: I will utter dark sayings of old: Which we have heard and known, and our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children, shewing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD, and his strength, and his wonderful works that he hath done.

Here are some things I ought to do as a parent, grand parent, or instructor, using the examples in the Bible to teach my children truth:

1. Tell them and read to them from God's Word all that He has done. Teach them the holiness of God so that they learn to reverence Him, love Him, and obey Him.

2. Use object lessons to teach them God's truths.  My husband was very good at using travel time, play time, dinner time, etc. to take every day happenings and make lessons out of them to teach the truth of God's Word to our children.   We are grateful it paid off.  As parents we ought to work hard at practicing Deuteronomy 6:7  And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.

3. Don't ever hide these things from my children. Don't be silent about God's goodness by keeping it to myself.  Show them from God's Word and through examples in my own life. Show them and tell them of His strength, the works that He has done, and answers to prayer.   Praise Him continually before my children and grandchildren. Teach them to teach their children the same.  Why? So that generation after generation will know God and who He is and will in turn continue to pass it on to the next generation.  Today we see more and more of a generation that does not know God!   Is it perhaps that the parents and grandparents neglected to teach it to them? Just suppose that Moses' parents and Daniel's parents and the three Hebrew children's parents had not taught them about God.  What might have been different?  And what might be different in the future if we faithfully teach our children; one of them may be used of God for “such a time as this”!

Christian motherhood quote

(I've recently been reading this story of a woman who left a godly legacy.  She was a prayer warrior; she walked by faith, not by sight.  She prayed, believed God, and God answered.  She was a godly example to her family.  You will not be able to put the book down.)

My parents also left us a godly legacy.  I saw my mom every morning read her Bible and pray.  She was consistent and lived what she learned in front of us.  My dad also, if he was not working, was studying his Bible and taking notes.  We are privileged to have his Bible notes now and it is just exciting to me to hold them in my hands knowing they are written with his own hand writing. Godly parents are such a treasure and what a treasure to know that we will one day be together again in eternity.   Recently, I have been scanning all his notes and putting them into files so they can be shared with all the family. He wrote one study on effectual prayer, which I in turn studied and it was such a blessing to me.  It prompted me to write my own notes regarding effectual prayer.

I enjoy writing in journals every day.  I keep a daily log of happenings and blessings and thoughts and meditations from God's Word.  I do so hoping  that one day my children and grandchildren will read about my blessings and the treasures of things God has taught me from His Word; hoping that in turn some of these things will speak to their hearts and help them to grow in grace.

If you have never done so,  I encourage you to write down something everyday that is a blessing to you from God's Word, even if it is just a verse.  It will keep it in your mind better and who knows but that one day your children or grandchildren will read the things that the Lord has taught you, only to apply them to their own lives.

I am also working on a devotional book in eBook form.  You are welcome to sign up to receive the first volume for free!   These are just random devotions from my daily time with the Lord; I pray that you will be encouraged with something from God's Word that you can apply to your own life.