Does your home always look messy, even though you feel like you're always cleaning? Perhaps you should consider whether you have too much clutter in your home. By saying that, I'm not suggesting that you're some kind of hoarder or slob. But sometimes, the size of a person's house is just too small for the amount of things that are in there, and it creates a look of constant disorder. You may need to scale back to the absolute minimum of what you need to live in order to keep things looking neat in your house.
1. Start with the worst offenders. The living room and kitchen are usually the two most used rooms in the house, and consequently are usually the rooms that collect clutter the fastest. It's easy to dump stuff on a kitchen counter or toss it on the couch or coffee table when you walk in the door. Remove anything that does not belong in these rooms, and train yourself to put things completely away when you come in the door. If you're having a hard time breaking the habit of dropping stuff as you come in the door, purchase some stylish baskets to keep near the door of those rooms. Make it your goal to keep the baskets empty by putting things where they belong. If you forget, at least the clutter will be contained and won't be such an eyesore.
2. Go through every room in the house (one at a time) and remove everything from drawers and cabinets. This is a time-consuming process but it is easier to start with an empty space and fill it instead of simply pushing things around.
3. Divide every item into categories. You can use heavy duty trash bags or boxes for this part. Everything that you find should go into a category: KEEP, THROW AWAY, GIVE AWAY, and RELOCATE. Items that will stay in that room are to keep. Things that you don’t need or are broken can be thrown away. Clothes or furniture still in great condition can be donated. Anything that definitely belongs in another room can be labeled for relocation when you get to that room.
4. Do not start a new room until you have completely finished the previous room. Once you have decided what will stay in that room, place items in the drawer or cabinet where you want them. Throw away the trash, put the donate box in the car so it can be taken care of right away, and place the relocate box in the next room in which you will be working.
5. Do not completely fill your spaces. Get rid of enough stuff to leave extra room in your drawers and cabinets. If every space is filled to maximum capacity, you will constantly be knocking things over as you get things in and out of the drawer or cabinet. (Tupperware avalanche, anyone?) Leave plenty of room to get things in and out while keeping them neat.
6. Keep as much as possible out of sight. Even with only the essentials remaining in a room, things can still look cluttered when you have random items sitting out in full view. Use attractive containers or baskets whenever possible to keep everything contained and out of sight.
7. Once you have successfully removed clutter from every room in the house, implement the “One in, one out” rule. (Every time something new comes into the house, something else has to go.) This will keep your house from becoming full of too many things and creating the need to declutter all over again.
There are any number of wrong clicks they could make and suddenly find themselves faced with inappropriate content.
Sometimes it may seem that the best option is simply to make youtube off limits altogether. However, there are a lot of very useful things there that are nice to take advantage of if there is a way to do so safely. Kids can watch educational videos galore, or even a good old-fashioned cartoon to keep them entertained every once in a while.
I have moved all of my homeschooling posts to You can go here to read this post at the new site.
The middle of the summer often makes it difficult to stay fit due to the temptation to stay inside out of the heat.
Here are some great fitness activities that will make the summer memorable and bring you closer together as a family:
You don’t have to venture far from home to experience summer fitness and fun. A little research and some imagination and creativeness on your part will ensure that everyone has a great summer without becoming a couch potato.
What are your favorite summer activities that will keep the whole family active?
As we celebrate Independence Day, I thought it would be fitting to share this video with you all. Not because I want to lift up a man, but because I want to lift up what he stood for – Americans living their lives according to the Bible.
Take a few minutes to watch and be amazed at how far we have come since his days in office. Then spend time in prayer for our nation.
After this past election day, I posted some thoughts about our nation and what we need to be doing when things are looking so dismal. You may want to read it and be encouraged on this Independence Day.
There are many things we could do in a given day, and all of them might be good things. But it's quite likely that we won't be able to fit every single one of them into our day. So what are we to do when there are more things on our list than there are hours in the day?
We seek God's wisdom in directing us to what he would have us to do today.
Each of us faces life circumstances – some with young children who seem to create endless housework, some with outside jobs taking up their time, some with chronic illnesses feeling like they've tackled the world when they fold a load of laundry. The situation is different for all of us.
But one fact is the same for everyone: trying to fit things into our lives that God didn't intend to be there only creates disorganization, frustration, and a lack of time to do the other things he wants us to be doing.
Many things we homemakers would like to do are good and noble things, but if there's not room for them, it's not going to make us happier to try to cram them into our lives.
A peaceful home requires a lot of maintenance — so much maintenance, in fact, that it may seem you're not really “doing anything” with your time beyond feeding hungry bellies and cleaning up messes. Those things might not seem glamorous, but that doesn't mean they're not necessary and incredibly important. Feeding your family and caring for your home are more than just mundane necessities of life; they're an active way to express love to your family.
But what about finding time for other pursuits? When can you do things you enjoy or minister to others outside of your home?
I've been using my Goal Setting Planner every day for the past several years to create my daily schedule, and it's been the best thing I've ever done. It helps me determine what my priorities should be and I can easily see what I need to be working on during each given day.
I divide my life up into multiple areas and pray over what goals I should reach for in each of those areas.
For instance, I have housekeeping goals, family goals, personal goals, etc.
I list the top three things I'd like to see happen for each and the steps that I'd need to take to get there. When I plan with intention like this, I've found that, while I can't do everything I'd like, I can do a whole lot more than I can if I just wing it.
When you plan your time with intention, you can purposely include things that refresh your soul and energize you rather than spending all day every day putting out fires.
Seasons of life come and go fairly often, and with each new season you'll need to take a fresh look at your priorities and create a new routine to reflect those priorities. Taking an hour or two to evaluate what's currently working and what's not will save you a great deal of time and frustration in the long run.
Time management requires intentional planning. When you try to wing it, no matter how diligently you work, you'll be less likely to manage your time efficiently and more likely to end every day frustrated with how little you got done.
So whether you use the Goal Setting Planner that I use, or whether you use a scrap of paper, or something in between, I encourage you to take a few minutes to both look at the big picture of where you're headed, then write down the smaller steps for how you plan to get there.
Finally, remember that sometimes in spite of our planning, our days don't always go as we planned. Learning to follow God's leading moment by moment will give us the freedom to be at peace when the plans change. Our relationship with him is foundational, and everything else builds upon that. Our productivity is not a measure of our worth. It doesn't make us any more or less loved by our Savior.
Intentional planning should be a tool to keep us from being enslaved to time – it shouldn't be a master that enslaves us to “the list.”
I love holidays! Getting together with extended family, eating, relaxing, eating some more. It's great fun!
What I don't love is figuring out what exactly we're going to eat.
For once in my life I thought ahead! July 4th is next week, and I thought it would be lovely to put together a menu that is healthy, easy, and most importantly, delicious!
Here's what I came up with for a healthy July 4th menu. Click on the photos to be taken to the recipes.
Hamburgers made with grass-fed beef on homemade whole wheat buns. If you have the delight of being gluten-free you can try this recipe for gluten-free hamburger buns.
Homemade ice cream! I love the recipes in the Just Making Ice Cream ebook.
What would you add? Do you have any special July 4th menu traditions?