Bloggers: Take Better Photos With Your Phone Using SHOTBOX! - Imperfect Homemaker

Bloggers: Take Better Photos With Your Phone Using SHOTBOX!

Take Perfect Photos for your blog or Etsy shop!  Perfect solution for great lighting!

I'm definitely not a photography expert. Not by a long shot. (No pun intended.) But I do know this – lighting is everything.
You've probably seen the bloggers who DIY some sort of lighting setup for themselves. But I write to bloggers who are BUSY homemakers trying to blog in their spare time.  We just don't have time for fancy setups (and we might not know how either!) We also don't have space to store it. Hence, our photos are not great or we fore-go photos altogether, which we really shouldn't.
I was recently at a conference where the inventor was demonstrating it and I bought it immediately. It's EXACTLY what we bloggers need for our busy selves. We get the right lighting for our photos, any time of the day or night, and then we can collapse the thing in a second and store it out of the way when we're done.

SHOTBOX - awesome tool for bloggers!  Perfect blog photos with just a second of setup!

They are on KickStarter right now, trying to get funding. But that's a good thing for you because it means the prices are discounted until they are fully funded. So basically if you buy now through the KickStarter it's quite a bit cheaper than if you wait.
I called my husband to tell him about it and ask what he thought and he said right away, “I think you should get it!”
Even though I don't take a ton of photos, in the long run it's going to save me a lot of time and a lot of trouble as well as help this very poor photographer get some decent pictures for her blog. The fact that I can snap awesome pictures just using my phone is going to be fantastic. These are just a few samples of stuff that was taken on a phone camera:

Perfect blog or Etsy shop photos using the Shotbox!  No setup, use your phone to take great pictures!

I signed up to be an affiliate because I knew I had to come home and tell you all about it, (see…there's my affiliate disclosure) but I would have told you about it affiliate or not. It's going to be a game changer for so many of us.
(Although, their affiliate program is rather problematic right now, and it will only track if you actually click through the link and buy at that exact time. If you'd pretty please come back and go through my link again if you decide to snatch one up [you should while they're discounted so much] I would love you.)


Brainstorm with me:  What would you use the SHOTBOX for?


(One cool thing people are doing with them is stop motion videos with Legos.  Can you imagine how much your kids would love using it to start their own YouTube channel?)


If you're a busy homemaker trying to keep up with a blog, you'll definitely want to join our Facebook group, The Busy Homemaker's Guide to Blogging for Profit.

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