How I More than Quadrupled My Blog Income Last Year - Imperfect Homemaker

How I More than Quadrupled My Blog Income Last Year

How I More Than Quadrupled my Blog Income Last Year In 2013, I made a halfway decent amount of money from my blog, considering the small amount of time I spent on it.  I was happy with that, but I knew I could do better. I set a goal for 2014 that was more than 4 times as much as I had earned the previous year.

In the fall of that year, I was doing fairly well income-wise, but I wasn't sure I would reach my goal before the end of the year. I decided to take a financial plunge and sign up for the Elite Blog Academy.  I immediately started on the course and started working through the assignments.  Honestly, a lot of what I learned was not new information, but something about having it all laid out in step-by-step assignments helped me focus and gain some traction instead of just learning without doing anything about it.

Also, I really appreciated the fact that Ruth kept in regular communication with the class, providing Q&A sessions and sending out extra handouts when a particular issue came up (like her super-crazy Pinterest spreadsheet!  She really spared no details about her strategy!)

I wish I had something like this class a LOT sooner in my blogging career.  Learning new things often feels so overwhelming, and I don't know where to start.  So I end up not doing anything at all.  Having a step-by-step action plan was EXACTLY what I needed to get me going!

Once I started on the class assignments last fall, I not only reached my income goal, I surpassed it by 25 percent!

So, what were the key elements that made the difference in my income?

1. Improved content and graphics
Makes my blog posts much more likely to be shared, and gives a more professional (and in most readers' minds trustworthy) appearance.

2. Increased traffic
The improved content increased traffic on it's own, but I also stepped up my game big time on social media and have made huge strides in increasing my page views.  Increased traffic means more revenue from advertisers and more opportunities for sponsorships.

3. Implemented more income streams
I focused even more heavily on affiliate marketing, got my ad networks optimized, and worked on marketing my own products better.

Continuing to improve in all of these areas is showing lots of promise for quadrupling my income again this year!

If you're ready to stop collecting pennies from your blog and bring in some serious income, it's time to get serious about how you play the game. I can promise that the Elite Blog Academy will give you the push you need.  Whether you learn new things like a successful Pinterest strategy or just benefit from having a step-by-step action plan, you will earn your money back many times over when you go through the course.  (And if for some reason you don't?  No worries!  Ruth is so confident in her course that she offers a 100% money back guarantee!  There's absolutely nothing to lose and thousands of dollars to gain.) Just a few of the things in the course syllabus:

  • Content is King
  • Presentation is Everything
  • Grow Your Platform
  • Social Media and Viral Growth
  • Show me the Money
  • Work Smarter, Not Harder

There's more – lots more, and I guarantee you won't regret the decision to take this course!

But hurry!  Course registration ends soon and will not open again for a full year!

P.S.  Order today, April 21, and take an additional $50 off with the coupon LASTDAY!


Pssttt… one more exciting thing to note:

Exclusive Bonus! If you decide to purchase the course through my link, I will provide you with a free professional blog evaluation (reg. $99!)  Take the course to a more in-depth level by having another professional blogger critique your blog and offer personalized suggestions for specific areas of improvement.  To receive the free evaluation, simply forward a copy of your receipt to imperfecthomemaker@gmail.com once you've enrolled.  *NOTE: To be eligible for this exclusive bonus, you must clear your cookies first, then purchase directly through one of the links on this page.  If your name is not on my affiliate ledger I will be unable to provide the bonus for you.

Ready to quadruple your income?

Sign up for Elite Blog Academy here. (Don't forget to clear your cookies first if you want the free professional blog evaluation!)

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