Why You NEED to Be Using Affiliate Links as a Blogger - Imperfect Homemaker

Why You NEED to Be Using Affiliate Links as a Blogger

If you missed the last post about my favorite affiliate companies – the ones I've found to be easy to promote and high-paying – you really should check that out.

But in this post I want to explain why every blogger who's trying to maximize their time NEEDS to be promoting affiliate links.

Good tips for maximizing both time and income as ablogger by using affiliate links

1. Quick posts on social media (takes maybe a minute to grab a link from Amazon?) perform really well. A brand new blogger might earn 50 cents from that link. If you have a large social media following, you can earn $10 or more. For 1 minute of work people! If that's not maximizing your time I don't know what is! I shoot for 1 – 2 product links on my page per day. As long as I'm posting other high-quality content throughout the day, no one is going to care. Honestly, people like it because I'm helping them get a great deal on something that is relevant to them.

2. Blog posts with affiliate links in them provide passive income. Make your posts evergreen – something that can be revisited and re-shared until the end of time – and include relevant affiliate links. Do you blog about fun kids' activities? Tell people where you got the supplies, or link to your favorite brand of markers, or whatever. Every time that post gets re-shared on social media, you've got a whole new set of potential clickers on your affiliate links. Passive income is the most time-efficient way to earn that I know of!

If you're trying to earn blog income on a minimal amount of time, you NEED to be using affiliate links!


What would you add?  Are there any other ways you've found to earn with affiliate links AND maximize your time?

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