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How to Remind Kids to Do their Work (Without Nagging!)

How to Remind Kids to Do Their Work Without Nagging!

Today I have a simple parenting tip for you.

I know you're working hard at following through when you've given your child a job to do.  (I am too!  It's hard to stay on top of it, isn't it?!)

We don't want our kids to take the easy way out all the time and leave responsibilities unfulfilled, but it feels like you're nagging them all the time when you're constantly having to remind them to get a job done.

I suppose it comes with the mom territory, but no mom wants to feel like she's constantly nagging her kids.

So here's how I remind my kids to do what they need to do without nagging them:

I make a statement that gives them the benefit of the doubt.


For example:

“I'm assuming you were about to take the trash out, right?”
“I'm assuming you haven't forgotten to finish your piano practice?”
“You were planning on putting that away when you're finished, right?”


This way the statement reminds them and reinforces what needs to be done without either one of us feeling like I am constantly saying “Do this.  Do that.”

I know when I was a kid I would get so frustrated when I really was getting ready to unload the dishwasher and then mom reminded me.  Here I was all happy that I had actually remembered on my own and then being reminded took the wind right out of my sails.  My kids have said similar things to me.  (“It's no fun doing it when I don't get to do it without being told!”)

But at the same time I can't just let everything go undone and hope that they'll eventually remember to do it.  I have to say something, so hopefully phrasing it as a statement assuming that they are already on it takes a little of the sting out of being reminded to do their jobs.


Okay, moms, weigh in!  What are your best tips for reminding kids to do their work?

Dear Mom, Thank You For All the Stuff You Didn’t Want to Do

Dear Mom, Thank you for all the stuff you didn't want to do

Dear Mom,

Today I want to recognize you for all the things you didn't want to do.

It may seem a little strange that I'm not telling you all the wonderful things you did.   That doesn't seem very honoring.

But you know what?  It's all the things you didn't want to do that make me realize how amazing you are.


When you were tired and ready to fall in your bed, you didn't want to come tuck me in, sing me “just one more song”, or rub my growing-pain riddled legs.  But you did it anyway.

When you had a headache, you didn't want to cook supper and get the laundry done.  But you did it anyway.

When there wasn't enough supper to go around, you didn't want to give up your own helping, but you did it anyway.

When you had an overwhelming to-do list, you didn't want to take the time to teach me how to “help you”.  But you did it anyway.

When you needed a little alone time, you didn't want to spend it reading books to me.  But you did it anyway.

When I got sick and left a pukey mess on the carpet, you didn't want to clean it up.  But you did it anyway.

When  I was being naughty, you didn't want to discipline me for the 15th time for the same thing.  But you did it anyway.


Even today, you still do things you don't want to do.


When you have plans for a productive day, you don't want to give it up to watch my kids.  But you do it anyway.

When you're tired and just want to go to bed, you don't want to cook supper for my family.  But you do it anyway.

When you've just gotten in the groove of a project, you don't want to be interrupted by a long, in-depth phone conversation with me.  But you do it anyway.


All these things you didn't want to do don't prove you're a bad mother.  They prove you're an amazing mother.  What sacrifice is it to read another story, cook another meal, or babysit (again!) if you really don't mind?  It's not.  But you gave up your own desires for my benefit, and that's sacrifice. 

Jesus spent a good deal of time in the Garden of Gethsemane telling God that if there was any other way of salvation than for him to suffer the agony of the cross, he most certainly would take Him up on it.  He didn't want to go to the cross.  But he did it anyway.  That's true love!

And when you as a mother are faced with the things you don't want to do and you do them anyway, that's love.

Real, selfless love.


Thank you, mom, for doing all the things you didn't want to do.  Just because you loved me.

Dear mom, thanks for all the stuff you didn't want to do



Tell the Story Scripture Plaque Review

By Lauren Lockhart


A few weeks ago I was approached by MaryEllen here at Imperfect Homemaker  to do a review on some Scripture plaques made by Joy Lyon over at Tell the Story on Etsy! I love to do reviews, but find it hard to actually get them done! I figured if someone held my feet to the fire, I would get one done, so I agreed to do it!

I headed over to Joy's Etsy shop to check them out and I was very pleased with the selection that Joy had! It was SO hard to choose which one I wanted to do a review on because, quite honestly, I wanted them all! I love to put up Scripture and Scripture based sayings in my home because it keeps my thoughts focused on Heavenly things while going about my seemingly mundane earthly responsibilities.

The Psalmist said in Psalm 26:3 “For thy lovingkindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in thy Truth.” This is EXACTLY what I want for my home! For the goodness of the Lord to be before us from morning to evening. Joy Lyon's signs can help me and you accomplish just that!

I received the plaque very quickly in the mail and I was SO pleased! It was even more beautiful than the picture 🙂

Isn't this sign just gorgeous???!!!

I chose the  Phil. 4:8  sign because not only is this one of my favorite scripture verses, but my Mom made up a little song to teach it to us when we were little and that permanently cemented it in my heart and mind! This verse has kept me from thinking or saying many a wrong thing and I hope that having it up in my house will do the same for my children!

This beautiful  sign came done on high quality lightweight board, professionally painted, distressed, and lettered. I love the variations on the lettering! Each style of print that Joy selected properly conveyed the meaning of each word in the verse….LOVE IT!

I will have this beautiful sign hanging on the wall above our school cabinet in my kitchen so that this verse is DAILY before our eyes, reminding us of the good things we should keep our minds focused on!

So take a little jaunt over to Joy's Etsy Shop and browse around! I KNOW you either will  find the perfect sign or Joy will help you create your perfect sign! She does that, you know? Isn't that wonderful? If she doesn't have exactly what you are looking for, you can contact her and share your favorite verse or Scripture saying and she will create a sign JUST FOR YOU!

As for me, I will definitely be buying from Joy again! Her work is customizable, high quality, and would make the perfect gift for any and all of your families and friends! I can PROMISE you that you will NOT be disappointed! I can't wait to get more of Joy Lyon's work up on my walls and upon my heart!!

” Let not mercy and truth forsake thee: bind them about thy neck; write them upon the table of thine heart…Proverbs 3:3″

From now through May 13, you can enter below to win your own plaque from Joy's shop!
She'll be giving away a great reminder to us all that we need to be grateful each day!  The inconveniences of messy kids might be just the thing another woman wishes she could have with all her heart.  The food we don't care for might be just what that starving family in another country needs.  Let's be thankful!
Be Thankful!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Motivate Your Child (Plus a Huge Giveaway!)

A while back I reviewed the book, Motivate Your Child: A Christian Parent's Guide to Raising Kids Who Do What They Need to Do Without Being Told.

(You can read that review here.)

I don't normally do book reviews just because it is time-consuming, but this is such a great book for parents!  When I was asked if I wanted to review the follow-up book, Motivate Your Child Action Plan, I knew I had to say yes!

That review will be coming soon (I was not disappointed at all, by the way!), but in the meantime, we wanted to get you excited about learning more with an amazing giveaway!


Motivate Your Child Action Plan Giveaway To celebrate the release of Motivate Your Child Action Plan, we are joining other members of the Launch Team in a wonderful giveaway filled with an iPod Touch, $50 iTunes Gift Card and several biblical parenting products! A value of nearly $350! Here's what you could win:

Apple iPod touch 16GB Black/Silver  ($195 value)

  • In the Box – iPod Touch, Apple EarPods, Lightning to USB cable, QuickStart guide
  • Brilliant 4 Retina display with Multi-Touch IPS technology
  • Front-Facing FaceTime camera with 1.2MP photos & 720p HD video recording.
  • iOS 6 features – Siri, Apple Designed Maps, Integrated Facebook, Shared Photo Streams, Passbook & more

iTunes Gift Card ($50 value)

Because you'll need apps and music for that iPod Touch!

The Christian Parenting Handbook and Companion Guide ($56.95 value)

The Christian Parenting Handbook contains nuggets of parenting wisdom condensed into 50 short chapters, each one biblical, practical, and relevant for parents of children ages 2-18. Learn appropriate ways to correct, instruct, and set limits. Glean wisdom for dealing with emotions, conflict, and developing closeness in your family… and much more. These 50 strategies provide you with hands-on tools for parenting children of any age.  The Companion Guide is a workbook of 50 lessons along with 50 audio tips to take you through The Christian Parenting Handbook step by step. Each lesson contains advice from Dr Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller in a 5 minute audio tip and then offers teaching, an assignment, a Bible verse, and a prayer to help you apply each idea or strategy in your family. The tips are available to you as MP3 downloads and access to them comes in the workbook.

Family Time Activities Book Bundle ($45 value)

Your kids will have fun learning about God's Word and how it applies to their lives. Science experiments, art activities, and games are all designed to reinforce spiritual truth. Each lesson is clear and simple, yet profound even for parents! You'll teach kids how exciting it is to learn about God and his ways. Your kids will love these books, but more importantly you'll build spiritual memories of Family Time in your home. Titles in this giveaway include:  Seeing Is Believing  Playing for Keeps  Running the Race Enter the Giveaway using the Rafflecopter below! This giveaway is open INTERNATIONALLY to those 18 years of age or older. Void where prohibited by law. a Rafflecopter giveaway

Join us for the Action Plan Facebook Party on Wednesday, May 20 at 9:00PM ET. There will be even more prizes and giveaways there and the authors of Action Plan will be present to answer your questions! The winner of this giveaway will be announced at the Facebook party!

RSVP here for the Party!

Motivate Your Child Giveaway

10 Ways to Reach the Heart of the Rebel

10 Ways to Reach the Heart of a Rebellious Child | Christian Motherhood


You know the child.

The one who breaks all the rules.  The one who doesn't listen to anything you say.  The one who acts carelessly, only thinking of himself and the present moment, with no regard to how his actions will affect others or what long-term consequences his decisions will have.

Some people would call this child the rebel because he goes against everything he has been taught and what he knows is right.  He hates being told what to do and bucks against it with all his might.

I have one of those children in my house.  This child lives all out.

My mom used to say this little ditty to me when I was a child:

There was a little girl
Who had a little curl
Right in the middle of her forehead.
When she was good, she was very, very good.
But when she was bad, she was horrid.

That pretty much sums up this child of mine.

There are so many wonderful things about this little human, but many days I find myself pulling my hair out wondering why in the world this child will not do what they're supposed to do!  Then, to make matters worse, they show no remorse when they've been caught.  Discipline seems to have no effect and teaching seems to go in one ear and out the other.

How can I reach the heart of this child?

I wish I could say I had a formula that would magically make my child start thinking outside of their tiny box and look at the bigger picture of God and others.  However, all you're going to find here is the musings of a mother who wants more than anything to see her children grow in the Lord, be sensitive to sin, and submit their lives to God's leadership.

Although I'm not an expert (and honestly I don't think anyone can be an expert parent; we're all just imperfect humans trying to figure this thing out, and the answers change for every child), I'm also not approaching this child training thing willy-nilly either.  I'm thankful that God has given us direction for training our children in the Bible, that he provides wisdom for specific situations, and that he answers our prayers.

So here is my strategy for reaching the heart of my little rebel:


1. Commit my child's heart to the Lord

First and foremost I must remember that the choices my child makes are just that –  personal choices.  I cannot make my child do right, and I need to pray every single day for the Holy Spirit to do the work in my child's heart that I cannot do.

2. Love unconditionally

My child needs to know my love – whether I'm pleased with good choices or disappointed with wrong ones – they need to know I don't love them any more or any less based on what they do.  The father of the prodigal son watched and waited for his wayward son, proving his forgiveness long before his son asked for it.  I need to be careful that I am not holding grudges against my child for misbehavior.  Being irritated with my child until they ask forgiveness shows that they are only accepted based on performance.

3. Teach God's Word

The key to my child's victory over sin is found in the Word of God, first through salvation, and second through yielding each day to the Holy Spirit's control.  I must be faithful to help my child understand these concepts so they can personally put them into practice in their life.

4. Set boundaries

Although the rebel bucks against boundaries, they also need to know that they cannot live exactly as they please without consequences.  Children need clearly set boundaries, with consequences that are consistently carried out when those are crossed.  Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”  One application of that verse is this: “Train up a child in the way he naturally is bent to go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”  In other words, if you let your child do whatever he wants to do now, you can be pretty sure he's going to do whatever he wants to do when he's grown too.  That's not the direction I want my children headed, and therefore I'm not going to allow them to do what they want to do.  They're going to have to learn what's expected of them, and they're going to learn from experience that there will be consequences every time they start heading in a different direction.  Of course, boundaries and correction must be balanced out with the other things on this list!

5. Give a vision for Point B

If my child is at Point A (living for self and the here-and-now), the goal is to guide them to Point B (living for others, thinking before acting).  I need to help my child understand what Point B is and why they want to go there.  I'll be having regular meetings with my child to discuss those things.

6. Craft a plan for reaching Point B

It's not enough for my child just to “want to do better.”  They need to know exactly what steps to take to reach Point B.  It's my job to help create a plan that's personalized to this child that will provide the map for that journey.  That map will include not only principles from God's Word and regular prayer with this child, but will also include practical help (for example: “When I feel angry at my brother and want to hit him, I will go in my room and shut the door instead.”)

7. Spend time together

All the teaching and training in the world will hold no weight when it is not backed up by quality time spent with my child.  My child needs to know they are valuable, and that while I'm extremely interested in their spiritual growth, I'm also interested in them as a person.  When you connect with a child on a personal level, it is much easier to connect on a spiritual level.

8. Encourage progress

Every step in the right direction, no matter how tiny, should be recognized.  I don't want discouragement to set in when my child is making efforts to get to Point B but doesn't see any positive results from those efforts.  I need to focus on the positive instead of going on and on about every setback.  That will be easier when I remember the next point, which is to…

9. Remember God's grace in my own life

Boy, I sure make a lot of mistakes!  God probably thinks of me as his little rebel too, based on how often I buck against his control and make my own selfish choices.  But he forgives every single time, immediately, and without conditions.

When I think about how patient God is with me it is so much easier to be patient with my child and to remember that there will be mistakes.  The goal is not perfection, but progress.

10. Never give up.

Some days will be very encouraging.  But some days will be dreadfully discouraging.  I can't allow the bad days to derail me from my plan.  Just because there are mistakes doesn't mean that the entire strategy is worthless.  It just means my child is human and needs some grace to get up and try again.



Do you have a little rebel or did you have one in the past?  Has God given you special insight about how to reach their heart?  I'd love to hear your thoughts!



Other articles for the Christian mother that you might enjoy:

What I'm Learning About Training Children From an Olive Tree

Parent Like You've Overslept

The Thing Our Children Really Need

To the Weary Mom: Here's Why the Bad Days Are Really The Best Days

Dear Mom of the Prodigal Child




Kindergarten Complete Review

Do you have a child who will be starting kindergarten soon?

Are you overwhelmed looking at all the curriculum choices available?

We recently received a review copy of Kindergarten Complete, so I thought you would be interested to see what we thought!

Kindergarten Complete Review

I have moved all of my homeschooling posts to christianhomeschoolfamily.com. You can go here to read this post at the new site.

Perfect Kindergarten Curriculum for the overwhelmed homeschooling mom