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Diaper Bag Essentials for Toddlers

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Huggies®. All opinions are 100% mine.

Diaper Bag Essentials for Toddlers

New parents often go to great lengths to make sure they're ready with all the diaper bag essentials for their newborn.

But as they become comfortable with their routine, they sometimes forget that the routine has to change a little as their child grows!

I can't count how many times I've had to rescue a mom from a messy situation because she wasn't prepared with what she needed in her diaper bag. Don't be the mom who's not prepared!

Have these diaper bag essentials packed and ready for your toddler!


1. Diapers

Of course, what good would a diaper bag be without diapers? When you have an active toddler, you want to make sure you have high-quality diapers that are going to be comfortable for long periods of time.

We got Huggies® Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers at Walmart.com and have found them to be great for keeping our daughter dry for long periods of time. The unique quilted liner locks away wetness better and the Leak Lock System with its quick-absorbing layers offer up to 12 hours of protection!


2. Wipes

You can never have too many baby wipes. You'll use them for far more than diaper changes. Washing your little ones hands before eating on the go, cleaning up spills in the car, and wiping sticky faces are just a few of the things you'll need them for.


3. Diaper Disposal Bags

The older your toddler gets, the worse those diapers are going to stink! Make sure you have a place to put the dirty ones while you look for the nearest trash can. You really don't want to leave a dirty diaper sitting out in the car!


4. Snacks

A hungry toddler is a grouchy toddler. Make sure you're always prepared with something to feed your little one!


5. Cup

Your toddler needs plenty to drink throughout the day. Make sure you're prepared with a full cup in the diaper bag!



Sometimes you'll be out during nap time. If your little one will need to snooze in the car or stroller, make sure you're prepared with a blanket.


7. Change of clothes

Diaper blowouts aren't usually as much of a problem with an older toddler, especially if you're using high quality diapers like Huggies® Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers (available exclusively at Walmart.com.) However, your active toddler will find lots of ways to get dirty, whether it's jumping in the mud puddle or being a messy eater. Make sure you have clean clothes in the bag.


8. Pajamas

Many times you'll find yourself out later than you intended. Keep pajamas in the diaper bag and you can get your toddler into a fresh diaper and pajamas before you head home so they can go straight to bed.


9. Lovey/pacifier

If your toddler has a special animal, blankie, or doll, be sure to keep it in the diaper bag when you're out. If they get tired, you'll be glad to have it with you. If they still use a pacifier, make sure to have one (or two or three) with you also.


10. Toys

Chances are you'll end up somewhere that is boring to your toddler. Make sure you have a way to keep them occupied.


11. Hand sanitizer

If it's gross, your toddler will touch it. Be prepared.


You can buy the Huggies® Snug & Dry Ultra Diapers exclusively at Walmart.com.

Can you think of any other items you've learned to keep in the diaper bag?

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35 Ways to Say “I Love You” to Your Child

You love your kids so much you could burst.  But do they know how much you love them?

Here are 35 actions you can take that will say “I LOVE YOU” to your child loud and clear!

35 Ways to Say I Love You To Your Child

1. Write notes

Write love notes to your child.  Send them in their lunch, leave them on their pillow, or put them beside their plate at the table.

2. Buy a prize when you go shopping

If you go to the store alone, bring them back a little something to say “I was thinking about you while I was gone.”

3. Take them somewhere fun

Go to the playground “just because”!

4. Play with them

Don't just watch your child play!  Get out there and throw the ball, swing on the monkey bars, or race your child across the backyard.

5. Read to them

Do your children know that reading is important?  Do they know that they are important?  Read to them and they'll know that both are important!

6. Fix their favorite meal

Just because you know they like it!

7. Make them “Queen for a day” or “King for a Day”

Treat them to royal service!  (Within reason!)

8. Look at them when they are talking to you

Look away from your phone or turn your face away from the sink full of dishes and look at your child when they speak to you.  Get down on their level as often as possible as look them straight in the eye.  By doing this your actions say loud and clear, “I'm listening.  What you have to say is important to me.”

9. Use a gentle tone of voice and respectful phraseology when speaking to them

10. Let them stay up a little while past bedtime to read or snuggle with mom and dad

11. Say “Yes!” when they ask if you can ____ (build a fort, make some popcorn, play outside, etc.)

— even if you're busy.

12. Give hugs and kisses

– You can never give a child too many.

13. Treat everything they say as if it's a big deal

– Because to them, it is!

 14. Compliment them

15. Don't interrupt when they are speaking

16. Write letters and send them in the mail

17. Give them appropriate boundaries

When you say “no” to the second helping of ice cream, “no” to staying up late, or “no” to mindless TV and video games, they know you are looking out for their well-being.  Love protects, even when it means saying no to something your child wants.

18. Let him help you in the kitchen

Kids always want to help with dinner.  They're thrilled when they can spend time near you and learn to do things that make them feel grown-up.

19. Take them on a date

Setting aside special time to take your child on a date makes them feel important.

20. Encourage

– Through success, and (especially) through failure

21. Tell stories about their childhood

Kids love to hear about when they were younger.  It makes them realize that they have always been special to you.  So much so that you want to remember every little thing about them.

22. Help with their chores

Kids need to learn responsibility, but sometimes just acknowledging that “This growing up thing is hard work.  Let me help you,” makes your child realize that you care about their feelings.

23. Ignore the phone

Ignore all those texts and emails from work.  Quit looking at Facebook.  Your child is  more important than those!

24. Call when you're away

Whether you're gone for 2 days or 2 hours, kids love it when you call and let them know you're missing them.

25. Make mental notes of what they like

Then surprise them with it.

26. Answer their questions

Don't ignore their questions or try to brush them off.  Answer their questions.  (Yes, all of them!)  Look up the answers if you don't know.

27. Smile

If you're happy to be around your child, make sure to communicate that to your face or your child won't know it!

28. Tell jokes

Kids love silliness.

29. Listen to their jokes

And they want you to think they're funny too.

30. Be honest

Lying isn't loving, even when the truth is painful.  Find a way to gently tell your child the truth.

31. Give a back rub

Gentle touches tell your child you're happy to be with them.

32. Sing to them

33. Tuck them in bed at night

34. Be sympathetic

If they're crying about something, it's obviously a big deal, even if it doesn't seem to you like it should be.  Don't dismiss it and tell them to “get over it”.  Say I'm sorry and give a hug instead.

35. Say “I Love You”

They want to hear the words from you!  So tell them!  You can't say these words often enough!

Find more encouragement for Christian moms on Facebook.

Peanut Butter Banana Protein Smoothie

If you're looking for a quick and tasty breakfast, try this Peanut Butter Banana Protein Smoothie. Kid approved!

pb banana protein smoothie


1 banana
2 T natural peanut butter
2/3 cup Greek yogurt, plain yogurt, or vanilla yogurt
Milk (optional)


In a blender add in the banana, pb, and yogurt. Blend until smooth. If it is too lumpy, you can add a little milk to make it smoother.

Serves one. Enjoy!

*Dairy free option—omit the yogurt and use ½ C almond milk instead


Peanut Butter Banana Protein Smoothie.  Kid Approved!

Book Review: A Warrior’s Faith

Disclosure: I was sent a free copy of the book thanks to Family Christian.  All opinions are 100% my own.

A Warrior's Faith - exciting story of the life of Ryan Job, Navy Seal

I just finished this brand new book called A Warrior's Faith, and I am happy to say I was very encouraged by it!

I was a little skeptical when I first picked it up because, you see, “faith” means a lot of different things to a lot of different people.

I thought, “Well, this might be an exciting story, but will his “faith” really be real?

At first it appeared that I would be right – that this soldier's faith was just a fluffy, feel-good nebulous idea without a concrete object of his faith.

But as I kept reading I realized that the reason it seemed that way is because the author (this is a biography, not an autobiography) was not sure of his own faith.  He was searching for what to believe and why he should believe it, and I think it clouded his description of the faith of the soldier about whom the book was written.

I don't want to spoil the book for you, but I was very happy to realize at the end of the book that Ryan Job (the soldier in this book) did indeed have a clear testimony of salvation.  I also thought it was exciting that the author is truly searching for the answers to life, and that is due very much to the testimony of Ryan Job and his wife.

A Warrior's Faith - exciting story of Ryan Job, Navy Seal.

Beyond the exciting news of a soldier who loved God and who had placed his faith in Jesus Christ for salvation, the stories about Ryan's life as a soldier were captivating.  The sacrifices he and his wife made for our country made me so thankful to be an American and so grateful to those who have given the ultimate sacrifice to keep this country free.

I really enjoy reading nonfiction, especially when it involves a true hero, as Ryan Job was.  You can pick up this brand new book at Family Christian.  You won't be disappointed!