Our Week in Review - Imperfect Homemaker

Our Week in Review

What did I do this week?

Well, I put the camera I-have-no-idea-where for one thing.


Otherwise, it was a pretty quiet week with not much going on, other than celebrating Independence Day yesterday.


I did throw together a dress for this little lady to wear on the 4th of July.  I had the fabric, but I honestly had no idea what I was going to do with it.  I started cutting (no measurements whatsoever), sewed a few seams, and this is what came out!

4th of july dress


I was so happy this turned out, and what's really neat is that is has elastic up at the top of the bodice, so when she's older I can cut the straps off and it will fit as a skirt!

Yesterday we did our typical: We went to our town's parade in the morning.  It's, um…interesting in our small town.  If you own a bike or golf cart, you can be in the parade.  So everybody rides down the street and waves at all their neighbors and the kids get lots of candy thrown to them.  It's great fun just because it's such a tradition.  In the afternoon we went over to my parents' house for lunch.  Usually there are cousins galore, but all of my brothers and their families had gone to various other places this year so it was just our family there with my parents.  A very quiet, do-absolutely-nothing kind of day.  We went to see fireworks last night, and today we're just doing a little housecleaning and some more relaxing.

Hopefully I will figure out what I did with my camera!  I know I took it with me yesterday, but after that, who knows?  I am way too scatterbrained.

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