Our Week In Review - Imperfect Homemaker

Our Week In Review

I realized the other day that I focus so much on whatever's on the blog calendar, that I never take time to just post about our life!

So from now on, I'm going to try to post a little bit our past week each Saturday.

I'm doing this for myself more than anything, so I can preserve some memories that will too easily be forgotten otherwise.  But you are more than welcome to take a little peek into our lives!


Monday evening we went and picked blackberries as a family.  I shouldn't have put a good shirt on E. — he had smooshed blackberries all over him.  He even had a bunch stuffed in his pockets!  You all shared a bunch of great ways to use the blackberries over on Facebook.



Tuesday evening we had a baby shower for my sister-in-law.  For some reason I always get chosen to do the games for showers.  I guess it's good for me since I tend to be a little shy.  I'm forced to get out of my comfort zone and come out of my shell a little bit.  Here's me, all out of my shell:


We have been seeing these strange colored birds flying around every afternoon across the street. We didn't have any binoculars to get a closer look, so we used the next best thing: the camera zoom.

That mint green one is especially interesting.


Thursday evening E. wanted to feed K. a mashed banana while I was making supper.  For some reason I said yes, even though I had quite a bit of cleaning up to do afterward!  I'm not sure who was happier.  They both had a great time.



Friday we had an awesome smoothie for breakfast.  I was pretty impressed since my husband is usually a lot better at making smoothies than I am.  It wasn't too hot out, so we sat on the back porch and drank them (or did we do that because I didn't want purple stains all over the kitchen floor?  I'll never tell!)



If you want to see more of our behind-the-scenes life, you can follow me over on Instagram.

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