Our Week in Review - Imperfect Homemaker

Our Week in Review

A few of the happenings around here this past week:

Daddy was off work Monday, and we enjoyed spending some extra time with him. J. is becoming pretty good at smacking balls — we're thinking it's time to upgrade him to the real deal!



I let E. feed K. again. They love it and it keeps them occupied while I'm making dinner. It's a mess, but it sure is cute!


I made a bittersweet discovery yesterday. We have a plum tree that I never knew about! It's way in the back mixed in with a bunch of other scraggly trees. The plums are small, but they are sweet. It's too bad I discovered it when there were only 2 plums left on the tree. Hopefully I'll remember next year that's it's back there!

My mom and I took the kids to yard sales this morning, and it was an absolute waste of time! We found nothing, and I got everybody up early for nothing. The positive to that? They're all taking good naps!


If you want to see more behind-the-scenes life at our house, you can follow me on Instagram.

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