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Easy Ham and Egg Cups

These Easy Ham and Egg Cups are a great way to prepare breakfast quickly while still serving something substantial!

Ham and Egg Cups

I saw a picture of something similar on Pinterest, but the site didn't actually have a recipe, so I made up my own!

Note: I made sure to instruct you to use nitrite/nitrate free ham, but please be aware that I still don't recommend consuming commercially made lunch meat on a regular basis. 

Here goes:

Easy Ham and Egg Cups
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 6
  • 12 pieces nitrite/nitrate free ham
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 small spring onion, finely chopped
  • 1 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • 1/4 cup prepared mustard
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. In a mixing bowl, whisk together eggs, onion, cheese, mustard, salt and pepper
  2. Grease a muffin tin and insert one piece of ham into each cup.
  3. Evenly distribute the egg mixture into each of the pieces of ham.
  4. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 – 20 minutes.

You can pick these right up and eat them with your fingers!
Ham and Egg Cups


Healthy July 4th Menu

I love holidays! Getting together with extended family, eating, relaxing, eating some more.  It's great fun!

What I don't love is figuring out what exactly we're going to eat.

For once in my life I thought ahead!  July 4th is next week, and I thought it would be lovely to put together a menu that is healthy, easy, and most importantly, delicious!

Here's what I came up with for a healthy July 4th menu.  Click on the photos to be taken to the recipes.

Healthy July 4th Menu




Healthy 4th of July Menu

Hamburgers made with grass-fed beef on homemade whole wheat buns.  If you have the delight of being gluten-free you can try this recipe for gluten-free hamburger buns.

Healthy 4th of July

You can't have a 4th of July celebration without watermelon!

Healthy 4th of July Menu

Homemade ice cream! I love the recipes in the Just Making Ice Cream ebook.

What would you add?  Do you have any special July 4th menu traditions?

Anti-Procastination Challenge: Try it!

Anti-Procastination Challenge

One thing I am really bad about is getting too comfortable in the kitchen.  I get on kicks making certain things all the time because they're easy, because my brain doesn't want to figure out something new, because most of the recipes I see in magazines or on Pinterest look too time-consuming or too expensive, and because I honestly just want to get dinner over with so I can get on with my evening.

I think if I tried something new, though, I might actually enjoy the process of making dinner and eating it, instead of just “getting it over with”.  So as soon as this post is written, I'll be heading out to the kitchen to make quinoa stuffed peppers.



None of us have ever had quinoa before, and we've only had stuffed peppers once.  I'm really hoping we like the quinoa, because it will be a really inexpensive way to add some protein to our meals.  Who says you have to eat meat at every meal?  I've been cutting it out of our meals a whole lot lately. We honestly haven't felt like we were missing anything, but it's saving a whole lot of money.

Anyway, why in the world do I have this Pinterest board called “Recipes to try” if I'm never going to try them?  Time to stop procrastinating!  Recipes to Try


What new thing are you going to try this week?  If you need some inspiration you can head over and check out my pinterest board!


If you’re just now joining our Anti-Procrastination challenge, you can read all the details here. Be sure you’re subscribed to email updates or follow me on Facebook to receive each new challenge!

Homemade Cheez-Its Recipe

Homemade Cheez-Its

I love having grab-n-go snacks to give to my kids when they're needing a little something to tide them over until dinner.

It seemed like everything I could think of to make, though, was stuff that had sugar in it like muffins, granola bars (what good is a granola bar without chocolate chips in it? 🙂 ), and other things like that.

I wanted some type of crackery something to feed them, so I paid a visit to my good friend, Mr. Google.



This Homemade Cheez-Its recipe called my name, so I printed it off, and headed to the kitchen.

This was so easy, and what I love is the fact that I know exactly what I'm feeding my kids! Cheese, flour, butter, salt and water are the sole ingredients of this lovely recipe.

I know you're tired of hearing me ramble on, and are ready for me to just get on with it, right?

Here goes:


Homemade Cheez-Its Recipe
  • 8 oz extra-sharp cheddar cheese, coarsely shredded
  • ½ stick unsalted butter, at room temperature
  • 1 t kosher salt
  • 1 c flour
  • 2 T ice water
  1. Using a mixer with paddle attachment, mix Cheese, butter and salt until soft and combined.
  2. Add the flour and mix on low speed (the dough will be dry and pebbly).
  3. Slowly add the water and continue to mix as the dough forms a ball.
  4. Pat the dough into a disk, wrap tightly with plastic wrap, and refrigerate for at least an hour.
  5. Preheat the oven to 375ËšF. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or Silpats.
  6. Divide the dough into two pieces and roll each into a very thin (1/8 inch or less) 10 x 12-inch rectangle. Using a fluted pastry cutter, cut the rectangles into 1-inch squares, then transfer to the baking sheets. Use the tip of a chopstick to punch a hole into the center of each square.
  7. Bake for 15-17 minutes or until puffed and browning at the edges. Watch carefully, as the high fat content of the crackers makes it a fine line between golden delicious and burnt. Immediately move the crackers to racks to cool.

I used Cabot Seriously Sharp Cheddar Cheese for ours, and the whole family has been raving about them!

This recipe is definitely a keeper!


Recipe from ReadyMade.com






Easy Homemade Granola Recipe

I'm not kidding when I say this recipe is easy.  It only has 4 ingredients!  I love homemade granola, and since I've been using coconut oil in it I like it even better!

You will need:

1/4 cup virgin coconut oil (If you do not want a coconut taste, you'll want to use refined coconut oil instead)
1/3 cup raw honey
3 cups quick cooking oats
1 cup almonds (sliced or chopped)


Melt coconut oil and honey.

Add oats and almonds and stir until coated evenly.

Spread into a thin layer on a baking sheet.

Bake at 300 degrees for 12 minutes.

Allow to cool completely before storing in an airtight container.

Blender Pancakes

I mentioned in my post about grinding wheat in the blender that I would be trying out a recipe for blender pancakes and letting you know how it went.

Well, here it is!

1 cup milk
3/4 cup whole wheat berries  (purchase here)
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 tablespoons brown sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon salt

Directions:  In a glass blender, blend milk and wheat berries for 4 minutes on high.  Add baking powder, brown sugar, eggs, and salt and blend for 1 minute on low.  Pour batter onto hot griddle and cook until bubbles form on the surface.  Flip pancakes and cook for an additional 2 minutes or until golden brown.

Can I just say that this is great?!  I loved the fact that I used only 3/4 cup of my wheat berries rather than a whole bag like I used when I made bread!     The wheat berries ground up so much better when they were combined with a liquid, and the pancakes were delicious!  I also loved the fact that I could just dump everything into the blender and pour the batter directly onto the griddle.

I'll definitely be making these again!